63 Russian soldiers killed by HIMARS missile strike, Moscow says

At least 63 Russian troops have been killed in a Ukrainian missile attack in the occupied Donetsk region, according to Russia’s Ministry of Defence.

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Without claiming responsibility for the strike, the Ukrainians said the number of fatalities was much higher.
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33 thoughts on “63 Russian soldiers killed by HIMARS missile strike, Moscow says”

  1. Why did everyone suddenly forget about the BBC and other European channels' reports about Nazism in Ukraine? Maybe we all need to refresh our memory and watch these videos again to understand that Ukraine is not a peaceful state but a Nazi state..

  2. It's crazy how broke Russia is for being such a massive country. The corruption in the country is so insane, this war effort is draining the country dry

  3. We will fight with Russia in defense of man from the evil of Nazism and the extreme right that exists in Europe. Russia occupied Ukraine because of the new Nazis or the militia of the clown Zenilsky who are from the extreme right party.

  4. Untuk memenangkan perang di Ukraina, seharusnya Rusia menggunakan rudal jenis hipersonik seperti Khinzal dan Zyrcon untuk menyerang target darat dan udara di wilayah Ukraina. Karena teknologi anti misssile yang dimiliki Ukraina ataupun teknologi anti misssile yang dipasok oleh negara pendukung Ukraina tidak satupun memiliki teknologi anti misssile hypersonic. Jika semua rudal yang ditembakkan Rusia ke wilayah Ukraina semuanya menggunakan rudal jenis hypersonic, maka rudal Ukraina tidak akan bisa menembak jatuh rudal hypersonic Rusia dan kesempatan Rusia untuk memenangkan perang dengan Ukraina akan semakin besar.

  5. hahaha! whenever Russia said about things happened comparing to the truth of what happened, and it was always in reverse. When Russia said that only 63 of its troops were killed by HIMARS struck at the barrack, it was actually 63×10= 630 troops were killed. Russia is the worst liar in the world especially, POO-TIN and his inner circle people. This was why Russian deserved to be suffering for supporting and siding with murderous POO-TIN. Now, Russia (Russian) is paying the price (Economically, militarily, politically) with idiotic POO-TIN himself. Russia is isolated from most of the world excepting those countries that were leaded by dictators like POO-TIN himself like North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Iran. POO-TIN is crying to ask the U.S to talk about ending the war by giving him some Ukraine's territories, but he was wrong. He was a dumbest idiot in the world. This is a chance once in thousand years for the U.S to bring Russia down to the knee for Russia's arrogance and also the chance to bring murderous, idiotic POO-TIN himself down by making him losing the war painfully in Ukraine. 70-100 thousands Russian troops have been killed and wounded. Thousand tanks have been destroyed. Hundred aircraft, helicopters have been shot down. U.S weapons (HIMARS, Javelin, stinger) are now famous in the world and get orders from so many countries while so many countries have canceled Russian weapons purchase after seeing how bad Russian weapons performance in Ukraine. Only 16 HIMARS provided to Ukraine (Only 80km range, not even 300 km range) have made Russia cried like a babe for being struck precisely at Russian ammunition depots, command centers as well as important targets that have helped Ukraine taking back most of its territories that POO-TIN robbed in the last 10 months and Ukraine will take all of them back including Crimea in near future. Finland and Sweden, the 2 countries that stayed neutral for a long time have jointed NATO now. All of these things were the result of arrogance of murderous, idiotic POO-TIN…**

  6. Bring back the missing children that you have kidnapped from the orphanage, and now the total is 13,000
    since 2014 brought them back to Ukraine to have their natural upbringing in their own environment.
    You support the Antichrist Adolf Putin and their inner circle. Shame on you, as you are British. You are a TRAITOR
    to your Country.
    Viva Ukraine, Pete from England, God save the King.
    How much are the Russin propaganda people paying you?

  7. watch Partick Lancaster, Redacted, the Duran (with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris), Through the eyes of, The Dive with Jackson Hinkle, Eva K Bartlett, Scott Ritter, iEarlGrey, John Mark Dougan and other people who could open your eyes before it's too late.

    but truth is.. you and people like you will never watch these channels and listen because it's uncomfortable for you to hear such things! this will turn you to true light and change life and this scares you!

  8. 😪Dead Wagner merceneries in body bags. Maybe 2 in 1 bag. At least 300-400 dead and 300 injured. They can only identify Russian dead soldiers by DNA. Sad!

  9. Rusia Россия будет использовать ядерное оружие, если у нее есть какая-то мудрость, или ей придется открыть новый фронт и войти от правительства, потому что Киеву нужно разорвать связь с Западом.


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