50 things right with total drama island reboot 2024

Watch the podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4ALx6DCPMg&pp=ygUZY2hyaXN0aWFuIHBvdGVuemEgcG9kY2FzdA%3D%3D


29 thoughts on “50 things right with total drama island reboot 2024”

  1. This was a very mixed bag season on the one hand, MKulia was great and there were great storylines on the other hand, there were rushed eliminations and bad plotlines, this is a 6/10 season

  2. Looking at the season in the grand scheme of things, the obly 2 good things this season that had any relevance or impact were Mkulia and the cheating plot. Everything else was either bad, cut short, irrelevant, or otherwise handled poorly.

  3. tbh Reboot S2 was better than Reboot S1 😅 they're both super good but already knowing most of the characters helped entering immediately in the right mood for the season

  4. Loved you bringing up Damien & Priya's subtle friendship. I think TD needs to focus more on filling out the relationships within a cast, rather than isolating contestants to only interact with 1 or 2 people. Great video as always, king!

  5. Number 50? Dont care. The company he represented turned on him? Karma at its finest. Yes, this is still about the Total Drama Reunion thing. The whole condescending points he made in that video about fan art and how he described the production of Reunion made me heavily dislike him and the fact that it was all really out of loyalty to the company (and Total Dramarama to some extent) which would later drop him. Yeah, don't care about him. Don't get me wrong though, I hate Fresh TV.

  6. 51 the family fuy reference when damian found the idol
    52 damien winning Immunity literally changed with him when he won that
    53 raj and bowie at bowie elimination
    54 bowie learning the hockey bro dialect and using that to help Wayne in the finally
    55 caleb supporters also being team anti Julia


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