5 Real WEREWOLF Encounters (Horror Stories from the Outdoors)

When a team of marines investigate a cave in Iraq they get more than they bargained for…

Send in an outdoor story for narration https://www.darkstories.org/

Listen to more horror stories narrations http://eeriecast.com/

Follow NaturesTemper on Twitter:
And YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/NaturesTemper

Sound effects from POND5


37 thoughts on “5 Real WEREWOLF Encounters (Horror Stories from the Outdoors)”

  1. darkness your vids have going downhill with other people voiceovers i watch your channel for you not other people definitely gonna unsub unless you start doing to it own vids i love your voice you i think it’s a downgrade doing other people i don’t like other people or if watch other people might unsub unless you actually voice your own vids

  2. Jesus…wtf was first storry?????
    We attack we defend,we are bigger americans than americans strongest imigrant force…my god…just keep storries as they were,leave politics,war and other dum stuff out.we are here to listen to storries not dumm propaganda.

  3. Glad you got it all sorted out with your channel!
    I'll leave a like but otherwise skip this video though. I just find it too irritating with another narrator and I don't get immersed in the stories as I do with Darkness' voice.
    Plus, the first story is so bland and rushes past me like a blabla, it doesn't spark interest at all and I was still waiting for the werewolf to make an appearance around the 15 minutes mark.
    It's a pity, cause I was so excited for an hour long video with werewolves!
    Ah well, looking even more forward to your next upload 🙂

  4. Natures temper is a favourite narrator of mine but after 12 minutes in I'm sorry I just couldn't get into the story I thought it was about werewolf encounters not about what the military is about I have other channels for that sorry but that's just my opinion n😢😢😢😢😢😢

  5. Okey… I enjoy these storries before bed pr while driving often, but for the love of god… I couldn't get past 5 mins in this video because of that loud unnatural cricket sound, it was obnoxious…

  6. My opinion is ,I love darkness and like to listen to people on their own site BUT ,THIS GENTLEMAN,READS WELL AND,THE STORY WAS STILL ENJOYABLE, INSTEAD OF MAYBE MAKING PEOPLE FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE JUST when you hear something that rubs you wrong you have all the right to listen to something differantTHANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME

  7. Story 1.:I can't not notice how irritating is self importance and entitlement of americans playing the role of world's policeman .
    They are the best while all others are terrorists and bad guys .
    Yeah right .

  8. One-forth of video is been played and prologue to first story is still on. Feels like a battlefield story more than a werewolf encounter. Encounter are suppose to be fast, too many details as a movie.


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