5 Nintendo Switch ESHOP Games You May Want To Buy Or Wishlist On The ESHOP! Uncovering ESHOP Gems!

The Nintendo Switch ESHOP packs everything from the greatest to the shovelware so we are digGING through and looking at 5 …


19 thoughts on “5 Nintendo Switch ESHOP Games You May Want To Buy Or Wishlist On The ESHOP! Uncovering ESHOP Gems!”

  1. The intro alone had me already interested in Fashion Police Squad between the retro style n the grapple hook cause I've always felt a grapple hook makes most games more fun n after hearing u talk about the weird weapons I can tell I'm gonna enjoy the game.

  2. That Spongebob visual humor really wants me to buy the game… On the wishlist it goes, until the price stops telling me to NOT buy it, and part of the visual humor is not locked behind another 10€


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