Every Boss in Elden Ring Ranked Easiest to Hardest

You already know this took FOREVER. Every boss I could find in Elden Ring ranked for your amusement. Likes and shares and stuff appreciated

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33 thoughts on “Every Boss in Elden Ring Ranked Easiest to Hardest”

  1. I had struggled with Runebear a bit early on in my playthrough and was feeling vindicated as the video went on since it hadn't appeared yet. Once we got a little closer to the end though and I started seeing the insane bosses I was terrified to find out if you just forgot them or if this was going to be another Rom situation

  2. As much as I have been enjoying this game, a lot of the later boss fights make me want to fight Ornstein and Smough again. Having only one specific opening to either heal or attack every major fight gets really tiring for someone who prefers 2-hand melee builds.

  3. You missed 2 bosses that I know of. The Lord of Blood and Melania. You need a special tear for your physicks flask to not get absolutely shit on by the Lord of Blood and his "I'll take 60% of your health and heal myself, thanks" move he does 3 times in a row. Melania is such a broken, unfair boss fight I honestly don't think they even bothered playtesting her. I tried fighting her countless times over the last 4 days and I simply can't do it. When every one of her moves deals like 90% of your health regardless of what your HP is(I tried many builds with hp ranging from 650 to 3k and the same moves did the same damage regardless, making hp useless), her run-ending move where she jumps into the air and then divebombs you for a series of 3 rapid 360 degree attacks and if you move away from her she teleports on top of you before each flurry and you can't stagger her out of it, paired with the fact that she heals every time she lands a blow, whether you blocked it or ate it makes the fight complete and utter bullshit. And that's just the first phase.

    Second phase she goes all "paint me like one of your french girls" and then blooms out of a beautifully tilting flower that spreads rot everywhere and will just immediately one shot you if you're near it when it blooms. She has a move where if she hits you with it, it kills you. If she misses it, a rot geyser appears under your feet and if you don't notice it immediately it kills you. Then she occasionally decides to just hang out in the air and cast rot-infected shadowclone jutsus at you that also almost always insta-kill you if you get hit by even just one of them and you're not fully topped off and she sends 3 or 4 of them out at you each one doing a different attack. Sometimes she'll just divebomb and thrust her sword into the ground at you and do a small AoE rot explosion, other times she does the 3 flurry dash attack with extended range, enhanced with rot, is even harder to read because it's coming from the air now and(she dashes to where you are, but doesn't go down before doing it) the fact that the tell for that move looks exactly like the tell for the slam down rot explosion one makes this boss total fucking bullshit and an imbalanced nightmare. That's not even talking about the random lunging thrusts that'll definitely one shot you if you get hit in either phase, or the roundhouse kicks that leave you completely stamina drained and exposed for a grab that'll one shot you if you're not 100% hp.

    Oh and to even unlock the area she's in you gotta do a stupid town puzzle that has you climbing onto rooftops to light braziers while invisible assassins roam the streets and archers are on the rooftops that do nothing but aim for your head like they're an elite U.S. Military Sniper and you're wearing a turban. They already fire 3 magic arrows each at you so you can't 100% block the damage, did they really need their shots to track to your head as well?

  4. crystalian isnt a gimmick fight your just not using a Strike damage weapon and i can't believe at the point you where fighting Redahn you didn't know you could use great runes

  5. Malenia, Blade of Miquella is the most difficult imo especially of you've been using summons a lot. Basically doubles the chances for her to regain health. Then the second stage adds scarlet rot. Phew.

  6. The other bosses you missed might take those top two spots. Nonetheless very good video, I agreed with you almost completely. Bump duo fights, those duo gargoyles can eat dirt.


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