5 greatest #fakes the Russia seduced europeans to believe in

For years our life has been rife with disinformation, none more blatant than fake news. Hoaxes, half-truths, outright lies flashed through the internet at warp speed. A lot of studies that were cited by media outlets, including the Washington Post, claim Russia used “thousands of botnets, teams of paid human coold ‘trolls,’ networks of
websites and social-media accounts” to “echo and amplify” false or misleading tweets, Facebook posts, videos and media reports”.
What for? Russian propaganda creates and spreads fakes, in order to sow doubts among Europeans, undermine trust in the local institutions, increase tension in society and create discord
between different categories of the population.

So what are the 5 biggest fakes the Russian Federation forced Europeans to believe in?

#howpropagandaworks #stopfake #russia #EU

Gregor Razumovsky
Specialist in combating disinformation and propaganda
has been involved in responsible positions in international political information campaigns for the last 20 years. He is considered one of the foremost communication and information-flow analysts in the German speaking EU countries


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