Blizzard Just Revealed Even More Hero Talents Coming In 11.0 (LOTS OF SPECS)

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Intro – 00:00
Scalecommander Evoker – 00:37
Elune’s Chosen – 03:45
Windstalker Druid – 07:37
Herald of the Sun Paladin – 11:51
Templar Paladin – 16:39
Trickster Rogue – 20:25
Diabolist Warlock – 25:34
Colossus Warrior – 29:48

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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #dragonflight


50 thoughts on “Blizzard Just Revealed Even More Hero Talents Coming In 11.0 (LOTS OF SPECS)”

  1. this just shows more proof that blizz continues not to know anything of what they are doing… they make the game more complicated and harder to balance every xpac lmfao… and never have a balanced game or even a fun one at that.. could of added some "flavor" to classes and class fantasy without doing all this extra BS and adding more modifiers and bloat to the game that is already full of bloat when it comes to abilities and class design.. will be passing on this xpac for sure.. I am sure that on season 3 or 4 of the xpac they will try and revert some changes and "fix" what they can of teh game just so they can then repeat their mistakes in the next xpac after that again… a cycle that never fails lmfaoooo

  2. It seems extremely stupid to not add positives and negatives to the hero talents. These are all just more buffs and multipliers to add to the weakaura pack. There should be pros and cons going down a specific path.

  3. Why does Blizzard do this to themselves? By doing these half baked, boring ass Hero Talents concept, they are just making more work for themselves with balancing…. just leave the classes alone, tweak the talent trees and put actual content in the game. They just waste so much time it's insane.

  4. Man Venruki chat are a bunch of nihilistic doomers. Herald of the sun looks amazing. Literally gives Ret what’s it’s missing: more mobility and more self healing… you pop wings and light the world on fire around you.. you smack wake of ashes and immediately move 20% faster, start self healing, get a free holy power spender, heal your alllies around you while everything is on fire…

  5. So Blizz decided to make progress with DF and then to IMMEDIATELY fucking ruin it with a balancing shit-show the very next xpac. My God, it's like Microsoft took over and they reverted back to the Blizzard of BFA and Shadowlands. Unreal.

  6. They couldn't possibly have made this more dull and boring, like, what is it with Blizzard devs to keep adding more and more damage multipliers, more power on top of already ridiculous power levels of the player character, if we ignore the ridiculous amount of utility/CCs. It's like they cannot design anything for the game without some kind of added power…where's the creativity?Where's the potential aesthetic, fantasy side of this? As i see it, they just can't stop designing the game around competion, e-sports…how they could make players compete, to make it a game of min-maxing to the absolute maximum. I hate that…always did, i want an RPG, a actual role-playing game in it's essence, not this, ffs.

  7. It seems like Blizzard (or should I say Microsoft?) enjoys pissing off its (or what is left of) player base, stop changing shit and balancing what you got. Bring all the specs to the S tier.

  8. Surely at some point machine learning will be used to more easily balance and reiterate modifiers spell power etc. For different content: duels, 2v2, 3v3 bgs etc could have different damage and healing templates so all content is somewhat balanced?

  9. Man I would hate to work at blizzard make the tree add a bunch of abilities. People get angry because it drastically changes rotations and adds a bunch of button bloat. Make it all passives it's boring and doesn't change anything. Add a singular ability and passives that will basically activate from doing your basic rotation. ):< I dont like the color. They can never win


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