5 Battles Dooku Purposely Lost to the Clone Army

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44 thoughts on “5 Battles Dooku Purposely Lost to the Clone Army”

  1. Dooku: "I lost 5 battles Lord sidious."

    Sidious: "Are you lying. Cause the darkside can tell me that."

    Dooku: "This is exactly the reason why im going to do this."

    Years later…

    Anakin: "I… I shouldn't."

    Dooku: "Just do it young skywalker."

    Anakin: "But.."

    (Sidious shaking his head no.*)

    Anakin: "Fine."

    (*Cuts dooku's head off.*)


  2. I would have liked more of an explanation for the Onderonian Civil War. Deciding a fight is too costly is a legitimate position. The other battles I think you made a clear case Dooku should have won but didnt because there was a plan. I dont feel you explained how the Onderonian Civil War would have been a Sepi victory but Dooku pulled out for any sort of plan or if there was any strategic point to it at all

  3. I imagine Dooku didn't think it was time to dispose of Palpatine yet, probably because he realized there were still parts of the bigger picture that had not been shared with him, and he had yet to figure them out. Didn't want to kill Sidious only to have some irritating fail-safe show up out of nowhere.

  4. Yes, but that palpatine guy was playing both sides for 3 episodes, then episodes 4 to 6 he was the super bad guy: darth sidious. However, in summary he was the super bad guy for 6 episodes, but was the undercover spy mole for episodes one to three.

    star wars is all very confusing, and is better left that way.

  5. I know that palpatine has to create the empire for the original trilogy to happen. But if I were in his position I would just use the geonosian droid garrison to stage a galactic coup.

    Why fight a galactic war and slowly impose authoritarian policies over the span of several years when you can simply steamroll the government and its near non-existent armed forces.

    Any other sith lord would have used the droid army to invade the galaxy while the republic is in decline instead of wasting their time with background shenanigans.

  6. Sadly you can’t apply real world military knowledge or tactics to Star Wars… or most media in general. They are trying to tell a story not record an actual battle and then air it. I wish more media would incorporate actual… intelligence? But no.

    thats impossible

  7. Was it an accident that Obi wan went to Geonosis? I thought Dooku intended him to wind up there so that when the jedi came to save him they could pass it off as the Republic preemptively attacking a separatist world (with Anakin and Padme also committing espionage and murdering several Geonosians). I suppose that may have just been how Dooku spun the story, but I thought it was intentional

  8. Honestly, why not win the battle of geonisis? You only have 200 or so out of 10,000 Jedi but you have the best. Besides losing Anakin (or they could capture idk just go with me here) you can wipe out the Jedi, their army, show it was ordered by the Jedi and claim it was a rogue Jedi operation to start a war, take out the Jedi order, emergency powers + war but no Jedi.


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