49ers “Another No Nick Bosa Signing” Sunday With The Season Start 7 Days Away

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This predicament with the #49ers and Nick Bosa is like a family member waking you up at 5:AM saying the car is missing from the driveway. It’s either the repo-man or a criminal. At any rate you don’t have a car! Here the #NinerEmpire is with “we don’t have a Nick!”
Tonight going to the phones for you to release your frustration with the Bosa situation potentially running all the way up to opening day! Is there even such a thing as a plan B?


13 thoughts on “49ers “Another No Nick Bosa Signing” Sunday With The Season Start 7 Days Away”

  1. Our Family goes back to the KEZAR days !
    BOSA & JED/KYLE are toxic and Kyle is happy to use this as his excuse for falling short again !

    The new breed of drunken, obese, girlfriend-less, fighting, "Bang Bang Niner Gang" crowd blindly accepts the narcissism and emptiness of this regime and refuse to see our situation.

    There are 5 IRREFUTABLE FACTS that " Bang Bang Niner Gang" refuses to accept:

    1~ We all had a sick feeling about KYLE even before he started, when he choked away the Falcons Super Bowl.

    2~ When JED extended KYLE's contract for CHOKING away the Super Bowl, we knew that all was lost. Denise and John York knew that this blasphemy, would seal our fate and we would never be Champions in this era.

    3~ Kyle is subconsciously terrified of going to the Super Bowl and blowing it a third time. He knows that it would make him the greatest CHOKER in all of Sport's history, not just the NFL.

    4~ No amount of non-accountability, throwing people under the bus, and nonstop lying at every press conference and interview can change this.

    5~ Jed/ Kyle are just fine being fairly competitive and are more worried about Taylor Swift, Beyonce and World Cup Soccer revenues for the Corporation than a Super Bowl.

    The FAITHFUL understand this and know and respect our LEGACY and the Eddie D. days… TRUTH


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