4 Shadow Isles – New Set 9 AP Bruiser Gwen Carry!! | TFT Runeterra Reforged | Teamfight Tactics

Originally Aired: Patch 13.12 PBE – June 3rd, 2023

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mortdog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mortdog

Outro Song by Defcat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1pBeDm1Lbk



37 thoughts on “4 Shadow Isles – New Set 9 AP Bruiser Gwen Carry!! | TFT Runeterra Reforged | Teamfight Tactics”

  1. Just curious how the tft set design process works. I know that there are different teams working on future sets already but what about midsets? Are features you want to change for the midset decided in advance or during the first half of the set?

  2. so who thought it was a good idea to make a bunch of prismatics give two static items. those are so underwhelming and get out classed by all the other prismatics its kinda crazy.i dont think theres a single world where you want rageblade + rfc over say CB 3 or woodland charm or even something like two tomes honestly.

  3. I don't even play League or tft these days, but I still watch with immense interest what you bright folks in TFT division do and roll out. Have a huge respect for you, Mort, you're an inspiration, keep up the good work!

  4. Really been loving to choose when I cash out with the T-hex! with underground I always ended up cashing out at awkward times and getting dizzy trying to use all the power.

  5. so maybe bad Idea to "help" PBE if you get into a game and surrender you should be logged out (not sure how that would be posible) but seen it a lot on PBE video of people just surrendering because they didn't hit or want to just move on to the next match, but for the sake of testing the new set and not trying to waste testing time. that if your here just to play to try and get a head start on whats good in the next set. how ever I under stand that if this did happen then they would just afk open board till they die to move to the next game and make new problems with that as if some one was trying to loose streak now can't or other problems having a player die to early in a match just so the first one died to avoid the que timer. I'm sure the PBE team is already thinking of better solutions or punishments to try and lower the high volume of players that aren't really here to test the things that need.

  6. I must admit I hope thex got nerfed. i dont think its AAAAALLL that fun to watch it just oneshot fights over and over. I'd much rather see cashouts, those are cool. But they certainly feel like the worse option to be honest.

  7. I think the T-Hex is a little over buffed πŸ˜› Gwen needs a damage nerf, Ionians are way too weak, Void is too powerful and Demacians too. It's the first time I play PBE and I have to say that you make a good job on balancing the game with those tons of new augments. Keep up the good work!

  8. Hey mort, I dont know if you are aware of this, but Arnold tft recently hit 100 stack T-rex, but it felt quite mediocre and also the tooltip said he would get +30, but he only got +15 to get to 100stacks. Is this bugged?

  9. The idea of selling t-hex is baffling to me. This unit annihilates everything. At what point is it ever good to sell him? Mort sold him just for memes and even if your winning all game then maybe start losing to a high roll towards the end you would have to sell him and quickly transition into a different board all in 1 round basically.

  10. Mort will never sell board for a reroll, its not his strength. Chat always asking him to sell board like the man has fasterm CPM on tft lol


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