300 baht arrival tax shelved, Thai tourism arrival numbers sag – TNT Apr 20

The much-discussed 300 baht arrival tax in Thailand has been postponed, again, meanwhile Thailand’s international arrivals are continuing to sag since February, more than 2 million people have been hospitalised over health issues brought on my the air pollution problem, mostly in Thailand’s north, another Chinese businessman kidnapped for ransom in Bangkok, murder/suicide in Asoke, Bangkok, Bhumjaithai party saying they don’t support ‘Cannabis Day’ activities in Thailand today. 100 golf carts trashed in fire.

Tim Newton Today is a daily take on Thai and regional news and issues of interest to expats and foreign tourists.

With thanks to our sponsor 5 Star Marine in Phuket for premium, private charters to the beautiful islands and beaches. https://5starmarinephuket.com


44 thoughts on “300 baht arrival tax shelved, Thai tourism arrival numbers sag – TNT Apr 20”

  1. Congrats Tim. Well done. Can't help but feel TNT has helped elevate your reporting + social comment to the next level. Wishing you well on your road trip, look forward to your adventures / escapades.

  2. The TAT have just come up with a new idea for tourists you fly into Bangkok hand over all your money and fly back out because we all know there is nowhere else in the world for people to holiday.

  3. Congratulations.. BTW.. I have been hacked twice the last 2 years.. ie I have been subscribed for a long time.
    Charge 1000 baht tax. Don't mess around. Have immigration officers collecting thousand baht notes right at the counter.
    If you don't have an extra 1000 baht , go back home. Malaysia Exempt.. Easy.

  4. I will comment re tourism numbers down. Flight availability is a big issue at least from the US. I Prices are higher than in previous years and seating availability has been limited. I am going back to Europe instead.

  5. I take great pleasure in walking past and watching the Thai businesses here in Patong who raised their prices on me at "high season" and would not give me normal price now asking me to come in and give me a "lower" price. Sorry, no sympathy. They should look after ex-pat falangs with normal prices all year as it's us that keeps them going during low season! Common business sense!

  6. Congrats on 20k👍Likely there will be another influx of Russian tourists now that Putin has introduced his new no excuse draft dodging policy. The new email draft, rather than via post gives only a few weeks to respond and enlist, or the draftee is stopped from leaving the country and loses many benefits & entitlements. It happens automatically if there's no response to the email.

  7. I remember a survey of auto buyers; some said that they would prefer to visit the dentist and have a tooth pulled than enduring the lengthy painful auto and auto financing process.

    I’m assuming that was with pain killers, but maybe not! 😅

    I believe the auto industry created this painful, ling, drawn out process on purpose to wear you down so you’ll agree to pay way too much.

    Good luck on your automobile purchase in Bangkok.

  8. You said 200,000 arrivals per month in Thailand. I think you meant 2 million, because you said there are about 10,000 arrivals per day in Phuket.
    Anyway, you're getting twice as many viewers as Phuket has arrivals per day 😊.

  9. We had a big concert yesterday with free weed upon entry and great music. We closed a main street and held a protest and one hella smoke session. And all this right down the street from the town's police hq and high court. No authorities showed up to shut us down.
    Take that Thailand 👌

  10. Taxi service is a nuisance to tourists. I don't mind 300B, but it do mind being ripped off by the taxi drivers and the security risk of taking a taxi. This limits my activities in Bangkok to taking only trains or boats.


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