The Jury Is In



11 thoughts on “The Jury Is In”

  1. I can not believe the disgusting remarks that Brooke was saying about just julelz and her deceased mother.The entitlement and lack of empathy shown by Brooke and the others in the chat was shocking.
    "As someone who works in the medical field, I found Brooke's statement to be absolutely atrocious." She needs to consider changing her profession if she talks about people in that manner, without showing empathy or sympathy towards them. "I stand with Just Juelz."

  2. I just don’t understand how she can keep on nursing with all this against her…when your a nurse you belong to a “ college of nursing”. In my area you would be fired right away.. im so sorry to all of you that you had to deal with her crap.

  3. Why don’t you all just get real jobs and real lives! This isn’t entertainment! Brooke has a real life and REAL JOB unlike all of you! All you do is cry for money from total strangers! All of these women were trying to cancel JY forever but now you’re all bff’s because you’re all so jealous of Brooke! You sound like a bunch of middle school CHILDREN! You ALL need mental health help…


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