3 Body Problem is INSANE | Netflix Series Review

This is my 3 Body Problem Netflix Series Review, as today we talk about this insane (in a good way) new Sci-Fi series from Netflix. Set against the backdrop of China’s Cultural Revolution, a secret military project sends signals into space to establish contact with aliens. An alien civilization on the brink of destruction captures the signal and plans to invade Earth. Meanwhile, on Earth, different camps start forming, planning to either welcome the superior beings and help them take over a world seen as corrupt, or to fight against the invasion. The result is a science fiction masterpiece of enormous scope and vision.

#3bodyproblem #netflx #netflixseries

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46 thoughts on “3 Body Problem is INSANE | Netflix Series Review”

  1. Were you paid to say this? Did we watch the same show?! It was so bad and dumbed down, the characters are one-dimensional and unrealistically attractive, the writing sucks, the cgi is worse, and all the corny jokes…yikes

  2. If you have read the books or even watched the Tencent live adaptation, you are likely to find that the Netflix version feels a lot smaller and flatter. Characters are more simplified and cliche, plot lines are straighter, scifi ideas feel a lot more isolated and used by D&D as each episode's hooks.

  3. pal, stop being a shill. this series is nothing like the book(s). it's soap opera, a romantic drama, disguised as a science fiction series. thank you. they avoided all the technical aspects of the book and focused on a fictional romance that was not in the book as depicted

  4. Eiza GonzĂĄlez's character is so unlikable, that the only way to watch 3 Body Problem, is to fast forward through all of Eiza GonzĂĄlez's scenes. A combination of writing, directing, and acting choices created this on-screen persona that is so unwatchable. The audience actually gets a physical revulsion symptom, like a gag reflex, every time Eiza GonzĂĄlez is on screen in 3 Body Problem. Why did Netflix do this to it's customers ?

  5. I read the whole trilogy. This TV series made a significant adaption from the 1st book, and it is hard to tell if the adaption is good or not. Comparing to book 2 and 3, the content covered by the TV series is not even close to "the tip of the iceberg". It is a gram of the iceberg. If you like this one, you'll be amazed by the future shows.

  6. God some of this people on YouTube are so bad that is beyond my comprehension.
    Is this dud for real! This is one the most disappointing bad sci-fi written.Nothing in the show scientifically makes even 1% sense .The plot is so regarded that a 5 year old could’ve done better.The actor are so bad and they don’t even fit well at all on the story ,they’re so boring even the drama makes no sense with the plot .go watch the show and you’ll see what I mean …pls don’t what’s anymore stuff from this

  7. Liu Cixin author of the book 3 body problem in my opinion has to be the modern day version of Sir Isaac Asimov. I have watch both the Tencent and Netflix version and IMO Netflix has the slight edge but I think you should watch both version to really appreciate the book.

  8. Every 5 minutes; “you are the smartest person I know” “she always said you are the smartest one” “ you are the only one who could do this” “ no one else could understand this” I love a good sci-fi mystery, but this show panders so much. If your eyes are open , you know what I mean.

  9. The book isn’t good. People love to confuse trying to be smart with being profound and therefore good.

    The show is full of woke tropes, enough bad acting that it ruins the few good actors, and cheap CGI that’s distracting and sometimes causes you to laugh when the scene is supposed to be serious.

    It’s just bad. But Netflix has nothing, so we watched it. Sorry I did.

    I rarely watch Netflix anymore and only keep it because all the people I share it with would get their own accounts if I cancelled.

    Netflix would make more money if I canceled. Literally the only reason I haven’t.

  10. Just finished the first season and I'm a bit lost on the logic… Let me know your thoughts.

    -they advance slower than us but are farther along than us so in the 400 yrs we will surpass them. Got it 👍

    -humans are dangerous and unable to coexist. Got it 👍

    -humans historically use every advancement in technology to become more destructive. Facts

    -so in the 400 yrs of travel time we only have two possible outcomes.

    We either destroy ourselves or we change and become a peaceful cohesive society to prevent self destruction. Either way there is no need for the aliens to make themselves known. They travel the 400 yrs and either show up to a bare earth free for the taking or they show up to a earth thriving with a hospitable population.


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