We almost got kicked out of the Overwatch 2 Alpha for THIS!!!!

Twas a close call

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►Edited by and thumbnail done by: @Kyy https://twitter.com/snkykun

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45 thoughts on “We almost got kicked out of the Overwatch 2 Alpha for THIS!!!!”

  1. I thought Overwatch 2 was going to basically be "no briggette". They could have just taken Brigg out and called it OW2 and got away with it. Why is she still here?? Brig is the ONLY reason this game died

  2. For those unsure: they were 5 stacking, which was not technically allowed during the alpha. 5 stacking is when you have a group of 5 playing together, which gives you an advantage bc you're all in comms together. I'm a little late but hope this helps

  3. A bit confused, the dragon has the april fools googly eyes. So this footage is from around april 1st. How is this near the end of alpha? I thought that ended around the 20th??

  4. They should really have two flex slots so team comps can be a thing

    Like 1 dedicated tank, 1 dedicated dps, one dedicated support and two people who are there to fill out the team comp (no more than two of each role tho)

    Solo tank just looks so deathmatchy and chaotic I hate it

  5. Imagine OW developer playing Brigitte, sitting in the back of his team behind the corner with the shield that broke in 0.6 second of a fight, heal packages long gone as well as a hope to hit anyone to have some of this promised juicy healing aura, watching teammates struggle and fall before his eyes like in Saving Private Ryan and this guy be like: "I guess we need to remove her 0.1 stun from the shield bash to balance this shit somehow".

  6. Wait, did the dragons have the googly eyes for the whole alpha or did they just add them in for the last day? XD I had to pause the video to check I wasn't seeing things.

  7. How hard was it to add the ping system my OW people? We played this dang game 3 years without even some easy ass quality of life improvements like this.

    And they still haven't fixed the mic/voice chat breaking error from the first game.

  8. im not saying Streamers are not good ,,

    But Poeple get psyched out When they See these Names .. They ARe ready think They are going to lose,

    basket Ball players Go to bed Picturing A ball going into the Net , over and over, and when they are in a game , b4 they Throw it , they Picutre it going in ,, so if u Picture the Game is going to be hard , b.c You are playing Ageist these Streamers your setting your self up to fail

  9. Shameful clickbait title. You didn't "almost". For one you reiterated that you had 20 mins left and secondly the other team didn't care seeing as they understand it's alpha. We know the report button ain't being used on an alpha. Don't clickbait it's scummy


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