‘26040 lives again’ the 2022 recommission Christmas Special-‘against all odds’.

Telling the wonderful unexpected recommission story of loco 26040 detailing the highs, lows & the ultimate success.

We pick up the story after a chance enquiry on a fb post leads to a new volunteer (with no prior loco experience) bring his previous motorsport based experience to the initial investigation who then starts to rewrite the accepted narrative on this loco to a shocked but delighted diesel heritage scene who then rally round to provide the support, guidance & encouragement to achieve the unthinkable for loco 26040. This bringing huge joy to everyone who encourages this most unforeseen transformation & become swept along in this magical change of fortune.

Untouched mechanically, stood outside for 17 years uncovered since the engine was last ran & still believed to be with the service ending fundamental faults responsible for mainline withdrawal in 1992 we hear of the approach taken at this most remote of locations. A classic case of ‘making do’ with what limited resources are to hand surprising experienced convention with the solutions employed.

The perceived issues are quickly investigated, dispelled & some unconventional approaches are employed as the loco slowly gives up its secrets.
The engine is started again, the loco takes power & begins moving for the first time on a heritage railway since decommission in ‘92 & then continues to thrill those who make real efforts to come & see/follow on social media as this wonderful loco progresses through the year.

There’s unseen footage of the recommission & we start with showing a clean, sweet sounding loco operating freely back & forth showing off progress at the last open day before going on to chat about future plans & an update on the now started bodywork recommission (to be done properly under guidance to operating standard).

This story of the recommission is recorded with the knowledgeable input of an ex driver of 26040 when it was based in Inverness & an inquisitive volunteer giving unique balance & insight.

If you like what I’m doing please consider helping me with travelling costs to this remote location at




1 thought on “‘26040 lives again’ the 2022 recommission Christmas Special-‘against all odds’.”

  1. Interesting watch Iain. Yeah, running with a traction motor isolated was usually a "get you home" option following a problem en route, they wouldn't leave a depot to work a train like that. Missing plates on the traction motors is no surprise, in service the cabs tended to be held together with duct tape and silicone sealant! Seems the more often a panel was removed it was refitted with fewer and fewer screws. They were particularly bad in the winter, usually a howling gale under the desks in the cabs, you had to sit with your overcoat around your legs.
    Good luck with the bodywork repairs. Need to try to get down and see it sometime.


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