26 tornadoes in 4 states wreak havoc, kill multiple people in Iowa

“This is still a search and rescue mission,” Gov. Reynolds said Wednesday.
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17 thoughts on “26 tornadoes in 4 states wreak havoc, kill multiple people in Iowa”

  1. Take the blue pill or the red pill. The news is so misleading these days I actually questioned the weather, and lo and behold they know as much as we do. If you want to know the weather go outside and look. Every time I hear about a rainy week it’s sunny then visa versa. They can’t predict they only report on what they see. They’re no different from us.

  2. Super charged storms is the result of the solar storms we had two weekends ago. The same ones that produced the super rare aurora borealis that could be seen all the way down close to the equator. But even though the strength of the solar storm (e.g. CME) was weak compared to others in centuries past, our electromagnetic field is weakening, so even small solar storms can wreak havoc.

    Those solar storms left A TON of electrically charged particles in the troposhere, which of course is fuel for storms and tornadoes.

  3. El Nino jet stream started this year always the worst one. But losing our Trees and Food farms to solar and wind farms which offer no protection from storms thus allowing them to wreak more havoc, also what looks like row housing, like the slum row houses, cheap and on top of each other now across America, and our overtaxed dollars going as grant money to developers who care not either about OUR HOME, USA, AMERICANS. Looooong ago good plans were made, considered consequences… We need to run and elect RETIRED factory line workers, cashiers, family farmers They know how to get things running, plan, that diplomacy ISN'T giving it all away, never burned our flag, or said so and so country is in America's interest…! Decades ago with the lefty traitors wanting to get rid of our logging and assc. industries When we were always conservationist that way, their lemming spike trees to KILL LOGGERS,… THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE ENVIROMENT, and "climate" is the same to send out industries n mfg WE MAKE NO CLOTHES, naked for WWIII, the dark ages of grunter kings sacrificed women n small men to the gods (themselves) perverts till people became wise, as killary said as if gods "we have to allocate suffering " for AMERICANS for their pay offs… traitor joe made a tree spiker Dir. of Land Management AMAZING.

  4. Wait there’s thousands of tornadoes every year,sometimes your in the way,pitfalls of living where they are.people live where there’s volcanoes and earthquake, and near rivers that flood,it happens.not really safe no matter where you live.

  5. I keep seeing these people cry about losing their homes and all their belongings over and over and over a year after year after year, and I can't help ask myself why do you people live there knowing all the risks and consequences?

  6. With all this severe & dangerous weather going on throughout the country, is it a coincidence that a few years ago we were asked to take vaccines. In addition to, they also put up 5G towers everywhere


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