22 Sep: Russians ARE IN BIG TROUBLE. Ukrainians CONDUCT MOST MASSIVE DRONE ATTACK | Ukraine War News

22 Sep: Russians ARE IN BIG TROUBLE. Ukrainians CONDUCT MOST MASSIVE DRONE ATTACK | Ukraine War News

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Before Russia can recover from the shock of the attack on its Black Sea fleet, it is once again rocked by new attacks.

The pulse of war continues to beat in Crimea and Russian cities.

In today’s news feed, we will first shed light on Ukraine’s simultaneous coordinated mass drone strikes on Crimea, Moscow and Oryol yesterday.

We will then take a look at the current state of the Black Sea fleet and the advantages and disadvantages of the Russian and Ukrainian military in the light of these strikes.

As you may recall, in four days Ukraine attacked at least seven Russian warships in the Black Sea with missiles and drones, destroying three of them.

Russian sources reported that the Ukrainians targeted the Samum and Askold launch corvettes.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported that all drones were destroyed by machine gun fire.

Soon after, however, local residents of Sevastopol shot a video showing how one of the warships was towed into the bay.

It turned out that the attack occurred when the warship was returning to the bay from patrol.
The drone exploded near the stern of the ship, causing serious damage, and the ship lost its ability to move and began to drift.

As can be seen from the images, the ship had a significant trim towards the stern and starboard.

Unfortunately for the Russians, it is not possible to repair the boat in Sevastopol.

Because before the attack on the Russian Fleet, the Ukrainians targeted the only repair facilities in Sevastopol.

In total, over the last four days, the Ukrainians have attacked the Russian boat Tunets, the Rostov-na-Donu submarine, the attack landing ship Minsk and four missile-launching ships – Vasiliy Bykov, Sergey Kotov, Samum and Askold.

Two of these survived intact, two more were visibly damaged and three more were destroyed.

The total value of destroyed Russian equipment exceeds 34 billion dollars.

In the last few days, the Ukrainians have added at least two billion more.

This is clear evidence of the success of the operations in the Black Sea.

To consolidate these successes, Ukraine today attacked Moscow, Oryol and Crimea with drones.

According to Ukrainian media reports, Russia complained about another massive drone strike on Oryol, Moscow and occupied Crimea.

Oryol is the first stop on our news feed.

Ukrainian drones struck an oil depot in Oryol.

After the attack, the oil depot burst into flames.

Russian Telegram channels even broadcast footage of the explosion and fire.

The attack was also confirmed by locals in the region.

Russians said they first heard a drone-specific sound and then heard an explosion.

At the same time, Russians also posted video footage of the attack on social media.

In the images published by the Russians, it is seen that the fire started at night and continued until dawn.

ASTRA Telegram channel reported that fire brigades responded to the fire in Oryol and extinguished the fire in the fuel tank.

According to preliminary data, one of the reservoirs of the Oryolnefteprodukt company on Seminarskaya Street burned down after the drone strike.

Oryol Governor Andrei Klychkov said that a drone crashed into a non-residential building in Oryol’s Zheleznodorozhny district.

According to him, there were no casualties.

The second stop in our news feed is the capital Moscow.

Ukrainian drones attacked Moscow.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin claimed that around 2 am, air defense forces repelled a drone attack on Istra near Moscow. According to the information, there was no loss of life and no damage in the accident.

Later, at 4 a.m., the mayor announced that a second drone had been shot down over the Ramensky district of the Moscow region.
One of the drones en route to Moscow was shot down over Tula.

The downed drone crashed near the local Logistics Center No. 1 near the Chinese car assembly shop Haval and a branch of the Evraz metallurgical company.

Russia claims that the drones were shot down without causing any damage.

However, Russia’s actions and statements do not support each other.

After the attacks on Moscow, an emergency plan was implemented at all airports in the capital.

Flights were delayed or canceled at Vnukovo, Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo.

According to statements made by Russian authorities, 29 flights were delayed and 9 were canceled.

This proves once again how uneasy the attacks have made Russians.

Russia also announced that a drone attacked the strategically vital Shaikovka airbase in the Kaluga region.

Russian telegram channels claim that the Ukrainian kamikaze drone has been eliminated.


33 thoughts on “22 Sep: Russians ARE IN BIG TROUBLE. Ukrainians CONDUCT MOST MASSIVE DRONE ATTACK | Ukraine War News”

  1. $34 billion in losses on Putin's side… be good to think so, but I've seen someone else speaking of how people are at times overestimating the cost of similarly lost weapons?
    And 8:26 why show images which show little relation in respect of what you are speaking of?

  2. Suggestion. Your channel is great. May I suggest another type of video you might make, maybe called Strategic Directions for Ukraine. I worry that if a GOP candidate wins in 2024, aid to Ukraine will be immediately cut off and peace made with Russia leaving Ukraine surrounded on three sides (North, East, and South). It would be interesting to see Ukraine progress on a strategy to prepare for the future. Specifically, I think people would want to know the govt's strategy for the future in these key areas: (1) Arms sector self-sufficiency: Ukraine (UKR) must be able to mass produce its own guns, bazookas, manpads, missiles, mortars, torpedos, bombs, and M-I-N-E-S. The chemistry for explosives, even if TNT or gunpowder is pretty simple, and how hard can it be to put it in a metal tube? UKR produces its own steel so this should be priority one. (2) Asymmetric warfare. UKR has done an awesome job in countering expensive Russian hardware with cheaper weapons. like drones. They should continue to make progress on replacing costly systems that may not be around from the west in 2 years. The most critical would be to replace costly tanks with long-range bazookas or light artillery that could be placed on Hummers or equivalent vehicles. Perhaps Slovakia could open a Hummer equivalent factory in UKR. The use of gasoline-filled barrels that can be catapulted off trucks into trenches is a cheap way to clear trenches. (3) European support. Conditions for continued support in case of a possible US pullout should be prepared for with the EU. Maybe this must be secret and cannot be debated in a video, not sure. For certain security guarantees that can be discussed in any peace, (4) UKR should prepare a postwar strategy, such as heavily mining the border with Russia and Belarus for at least 15-20 kilometers. If trade is to be allowed, then a couple of major highways may remain open with miles of artillery along the sides and armed checkpoints. So the highway could have several moveable floating bridges crossing deep and wide canals. The moveable part of the bridge could be designed to be tugged away or blown up. (5) In the case Crimea is not recoverable, though it is a war aim, all land links to Crimea should be severed permanently. Just south of Armiansk there are a lot of lakes that would make a great place to dig a canal cutting off the land links forever. Again moveable bridges with heavily armed access highways only. (6) Economics. UKR should be developing solar panels on every roof (the EU should foot the bill in the name of green energy), and local waterwheels for hydro as opposed to big dams that can be blown up. They need a deal with Poland etc. for emergency transhipment by truck to ports on the Danube for grain. (6) Air defense. The US is getting rid of its warthog close combat planes. These are great for clearing trenches mines and troops in your way. Get the US to give them to you along with the technicians to make them locally. It could be an export later, a great and cheap airplane. The UKR also needs to be able to make its own air defense system against missiles. There must be a way that Wi-Fi towers or Starlink or a nationwide network of small rooftop radars can create a national web to spot incoming missiles immediately. There should be a great number of older air defense missiles that could be acquired like the Hawk MiM that countries like Korea are phasing out or create local "Stinger squads" like volunteer fire brigades to hit the rooftops in every city and keep watch at night. OK! Sorry for the long comment, but it would be interesting to know that UKR is making plans or progress towards self-sufficiency.

  3. Slava Ukraini
    Slash the Value of The Fossil Fuel Grift To Be 1/4 of today's COST as provided by Today's HVAC Methane Furnaces & Heat Pump AC!
    I really would like to help. I am a Pro Mech Engr experienced designing weapons labs using refrigeration equipment. In the 1980's we modified them to provide the required environmental specs. Therefore, heat exchangers were added to enhance performance. This added performance of 400% defunds Methane & Thermal/electric Methane Power Plants!
    Now, @ the Alfini Heat Pump Test Facility in Phoenix, AZ "Modified" Heat Pumps provide 400% more energy transfer. Superheaters and Sub-coolers eliminate Methane furnaces and Cooling Towers. Heat Pumps become self contained. Water heating heat pumps w/a Superheater will make steam to turn a turbine and charge batteries with NO THERMAL footprint. Very important for remote locations. Sub-coolers reduce the required compressor sizes and use no water thru evaporation. They can distill (condense) water from air. Please contact me as this will help to DEMONITIZE the Ruskie-Orc's Fossil Fuel INCOME! 😎
    PS: Our AC's sub-cooler produces 40 gallons of condensate every 6 weeks from the Colder Cooling coil during summer operations.🇺🇦
    "Going Down, Going Down Down Down! Till My Head Is On The Ground!" Freddie King!

  4. Russia should not be complaining leave Ukraine and avoid further ruin this senseless war will not end well for you Slava Ukraine onwards to Victory your cause is just God Bless your Glorious Warriors 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💪💪💪💪👏👏👏👏

  5. Considering the misery, death and destruction that the Russian state has brought to Ukraine, it is extremely difficult to feel in any way sorry for the Russian people now that they’re actually seeing a small taste of the war upon their own land.

  6. I wonder how long before the entire Russian military surrenders. With the Russian military having a total lack of morale, it might not be that long. Ukraine's basically nonexistent navy is destroying the Russian navy. I applaud the Ukranian military with their slow but steady destruction of the Orc military. If Ukraine keeps it up, they must eventually attain victory. I wonder if Putin understands how China is just waiting for Russia to lose and China will then invade Russia themselves. Once Ukraine destroys the Orc military, Russia will have no significant forces left to defend their own borders. Putin is doing everything possible to bring about Russia's own destruction.

  7. We will Rock You Russia don't play around with them any longer kick em out and why aren't the other Baltic Nations and the from the back said everyone attack and turn it into a Ballroom Blitz Ballroom Blitz Ballroom Blitz Japan send Godzilla and all Monsters to Russia have a nice day

  8. I really tried to Warn you Mr Putin didn't I tell you that this is going to get expensive and you have lost so much military and ships and armor and even your Air Force has taken damage it's going to take a Decade or more to replace what you lost already


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