2023 Community Quilt Ep 64

2023 Community Quilt, Episode 64. End of the 8th row! This is the size of my original Randomly Generated Quilt, but I still have about 60 envelopes to open. #communityquilt #randomlygenerated #thetrevorproject

Check out my website for more details on the project and how to make your donation for a chance to win the finished quilt.


9 thoughts on “2023 Community Quilt Ep 64”

  1. I want you to know how much I love watching these. I lost my mom last Thanksgiving & for as long as I can remember she was an avid quilter. (I couldn't sew at all!) In my 30s, she took me to a quilt block-of-the-month class – an entire year – & not only was the quality time with her amazing, but I also had a finished quilt. Watching these videos triggers so many wonderful memories! Thank you so much!

  2. I went to your site looking for a beginners workshop… do you have any planned for 2024?

    Im absolutely terrified of my sewing machine… my grandmother would be ashamed. 😂 She was a professional seamstress but passed when i was little. My mother… shes sewed her fingers together in front of me.. multiple times.

    I want to learn but i can't do it without someone teaching me. Makes my stomach hurt just thinking about trying alone. 😂

  3. I love this! Especially how each block is different!

    I can sew, somewhat lol, but never made a quilt. I have collected baby clothes from my 2 kids (now 5 and 3) and would love to make myself a king size quilt.

    Do you have any advice? Lol huge ask I know… I feel like I should just do simple squares as its the clothing that's important vs the quilted design.

    Thanks for the great content! ❤


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