
If thou thinkest that the companions of the cave, and the inscription, were a wonder among Our proofs: —

(When the young men took shelter in the cave and said: “Our Lord: give Thou us mercy from Thyself, and furnish Thou us out of our affair with rectitude,”

Then smote We their ears in the cave a number of years.

Then raised We them up, that We might know which of the two parties would best calculate what they had tarried in time.)

**We relate to thee their report with the truth: — they were young men who believed in their Lord, and We increased them in guidance,**

And We strengthened their hearts when they stood up and said: “Our Lord is the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth; we will not call, besides Him, to any god, for then would we have said a wanton falsehood.”

“These, our people, have taken up gods other than Him. Oh, that they but brought concerning them a clear authority!” And who is more unjust than he who invents a lie about God?

“And when you have withdrawn from them and what they serve save God, take shelter in the cave. Your Lord will unfurl for you out of His mercy, and furnish you out of your affair all that you need.”

He it is that shows you the lightning as fear and hope, and produces the heavy clouds.

And the thunder gives glory with His praise, as do the angels, in fear of Him. And He sends the thunderbolts, and strikes therewith whom He wills. And they dispute concerning God; and He is strong in assault.

To Him belongs the call of truth; and those to whom they call, besides Him, answer them nothing save it be as one stretching forth his hands to water, that it might reach his mouth, but it reaches it not; and the supplication of the false claimers of guidance is only in error.

And to God submits whoso is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, as do their shadows in the mornings and the evenings.

Say thou: “Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?” Say thou: “God.” Say thou: “Have you then taken, besides Him, allies which have not power to do themselves benefit or harm?” Say thou: “Is the blind equal to the seeing? Or is darkness equal to the light?” If they have ascribed to God partners that created the like of His creation, then the creation appears the same to them. Say thou: “God is creator of all things, and He is the One, the Vanquishing.”

He sends down from the sky water, and the valleys flow according to their measure, then the flood carries a swelling froth; and from what they burn in the fire seeking ornaments or tools there is a froth like it. Thus does God present truth and vanity: as for the froth, it departs as dross; and as for what is of benefit to men, it remains in the earth. Thus does God strike similitudes.

**For those who respond to their Lord is the best; and those who respond not to Him: had they all that is in the earth altogether, and the like thereof with it, they would seek to ransom themselves thereby. Those have an evil reckoning, and their shelter is Gehenna; and evil is the resting-place.**


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