18 Things Science Still Can't Explain

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In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at the BIGGEST mysteries in science!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
What If the Asteroid Never Killed The Dinosaurs? – https://youtu.be/sq-mnEjJiM8?
Is The Government Hiding Something BIG From Space? – https://youtu.be/DA78k_V79mY?

#Science #SolarSystem #Space #Mystery #Unexplained #Unveiled


22 thoughts on “18 Things Science Still Can't Explain”

  1. If a single point existed before Big Bang then the question is where this massive point was lying? Because space and time started after big Bang. what was so special in this point who was able to expand the immense universe and matter?

  2. Less than a 100 years, humanity begun to look into the deep expanses of our universe. For 10's of thousands of years, humanity has stared into the heavens and wondered those unknown complex questions. Are we alone? Where did we come from? How far does space go? Is there and end to it all…? Seriously, humanity has barely got one foot out of the preverbal cave. No matter how much we know or think we know, humanity/science has a L O N G way to evolve… evolve into what, is the biggest question of all.

  3. As an expérimental physicist I used first theory to know where to look at and do research. Then investigates fields where there was no theory. And had to do those new théories myself because Bo other would be interested

  4. I’ve heard from the very highest people in seti and they said the wow signal should have been trashed. They both said they would have thrown It away. They did say that they have gotten many signals of interest but none they are jumping up and down about. So if they would just toss the wow signal then what else happened

  5. Let dive into my field for a second. How is it that I can relocate an alligator 120 miles away and it come right back where it was when I tagged him? It took him 3 years and I'm pretty sure a lot of road crossings, but he made it back.
    This is why when an alligator gets to a certain length, they will try and find some kind of sanctuary or they will put the animal down. This is why you don't feed wild animals. Animals will lose what little fear they do have of us and then it's chow time. But yes, nobody knows how an alligator can do this.


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