6+ Details Most Players Missed | The Witcher 3

The Witcher 3: Six Small Details most players may have missed in the Witcher 3. Including details about the Tourney in Blood and Wine, Ciri’s friends, the vampire tribes, the travelling merchant in Velen, From a Land Far, Far Away quest and more.

► The full “Witcher Details” playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMpNwDjXWh0wH-pQvAeulaTXA7_mgbt8Y

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0:00 Boring intro.
0:17 Wine Wars affect the Tourney in Toussaint.
1:28 Le Papillon promotes different sponsors.
2:21 Vivienne reacts to Geralt’s vows.
4:12 Shameless plug for my other videos.
4:33 Will you help a man in need? (3 stages)
7:07 Random ambient dialogue.
7:31 The schedule of Ciri’s friends.
8:44 Witcher 3’s NPCs are awesome.
9:37 Encounters with the Travelling Merchant.
12:05 Origin of the Vampire tribe symbols.
13:09 Any Irish/Scottish people around?
13:40 Viewer suggestions:
13:52 What if you break the Pan Lady’s door first?
14:17 Visiting Fairy Tale land without Keira’s trinket.
14:40 Time-sensitive dialogue with Ciri’s Future Husband.
15:42 From a Land Far, Far Away.
17:12 Who are these people and where are they from?
19:19 Boring outro.

#TheWitcher #Witcher3 #xLetalis


20 thoughts on “6+ Details Most Players Missed | The Witcher 3”

  1. I think in about 15 years, or 21 years after it's release, someone, maybe CDPR, maybe a hire-out, will re-update this game in Unreal 17. We middle aged folks will talk about how the remakes of the remastered Mass Effect series was fun, but those kids and young adults really should try the Witcher Series. They'll laugh and say "Whatever, what's the big deal about tying up all these plot thtreads and having NPC's that have a life? AI games already do that and it only takes about 6 months to finish an entire game. OK, Zoomer, if we get a chance we'll give it a shot."

    Then they'll play it, finding that the nuances put in by a group of actual people who care and have the time they need to make a game from start to finish, on their own, as antiquated as it may be by then do write dialogue trees and develop your own plots, sub-plots, intertwining plots, with a hundred or so seemingly throwaway NPC's causing various changes to the world and said plots that are in many cases 100% impossible to even guess at before playing the game lead to not just me writing the longest run-on sentence ever, but a far superior piece of literature in motion than the sterile musing of a cluster of x86 and x128 processors.

    I've only played through TW3 from start to finish 3 times I believe, idk, maybe 4 or 5…and am trying to wait for the remaster before playing again as there are a ton of things I've yet to find on my own, with my game completion rate only at 75% or so. Damn it is hard though, simply because there is no other game like it. I tried AC: Odyssey for about 200 hours, didn't quite finish it + the DLC as something else came out I was more interested in and I never had the inclination to go back bc, well the story just never clicked, and I found the combat so darn repetitive. People talk about TW3 having boring repetitive combat, and to that I can only think turn the difficulty down then. If you know you are going to win easily and all you're doing is extra dodges to hit a damage sponge 10x more, well then what's the point if you aren't having fun with it? Or change the game file so enemies still hit hard but don't have the crazy health pool, it's not too difficult to look up what values to change (there's probably numerous mods for it as well, though I've never looked so don't take that as fact please); I still enjoy it quite a bit and find an normal the game is balanced pretty darn well. Or shut the HUD off and just go off on a tear only to find out you kinda have to be careful now because you have no idea what you're going to run into. Forgetting about a water hag chick gua a treasure at level 3 or 4 can be a real bugger I tell you what.

    On a serious note, having played just about every major AAA C/ARPG release up through CP2077, I can't think of any game that added so many possible loose ends then somehow were able to wrap up the majority of them, even the relatively insignificant one. I don't know how they manage it in retrospect. It would be like if Mass Effect 3 not only blew 1 and two out of the water in the graphics, gameplay and content department, but also wrapped the trilogy up into a neat bow instead of, well you all know what happened. let's just say to varying degrees of success to be nice to a team that obviously tried their ass off but years of actualy game production just wasn't nearly enough). It's absolutely mind boggling what you can find and where you can find it.

    Some CRPG's come close. Divinity Original Sin 2 comes to mind, with a rare scroll from early in the game takes oyu to an area in the mid-game which can lead you to another area late game which can then lead you to an abandoned burnt out tower that has some magic goodies and a wuest tie up on a roof you can't see that you need to teleport into blindly. Still, it's a bit different than randomly finding something with your Witcher senses, or dumb luck, which then leads you on a 100 hour background quest. It really is dumbfounding to think about.

    It also makes me wonder where Cyberpunk would have wound up had it stuck to it's first story arc instead of switching 2 years in, morphing into the Keanu Silverhand edition, killing 3rd person, removing stealth etc; And if they didn't have to spend the last year trying to make it go on base consoles. That's basically 3 wasted years on a 6 year project. Still a great game, but that hudnreds of thousand of ectra man hours they put into initial development for the consoles was the same thing that dropped 2 points or so from average review scores and single-handidly tanked their stock. How does a game only seliing 18m copies after refunds, 10m or so at full price, tank someone's stock? That is so nloody ridiculous, especially since the sales of the Witcher series skyrocketed during the same period of time. Specualtion over hard numberes markets really suck sometimes. Thank god real life isn't like that: "Son, we though you were going to be a Nobel Lariat who solved the everything equation, yet you ended up merely being a neural surgeon and head of John Hopkins University's medical department. Now we are shunned by the neighbors while the government has cut off our Social Security, because we all specualted you'd do better. _Humph, get out of here and don't come back until you've solved EVERYHING!"

    Back to future generations playing this game, much like the Final Fantasy VII remake today, the game will be well received. Unlike FFVII, hopefully they don't change things to make it more interesting to them and their modern sensibilities, and if done right, I fail to see how anyone in the near future generaions would not laud this as the masterpiece it is. My first real crpg was Pool of Radiance, with a few softer JRPG's like Phantasia and things like that before it, but they were a bit too basic to really count, and I've still never seen anything on the same level as TW3.

    No, it isn't the truest c/arpg ever made, and many Geralt's will look incredibly similar by the end of the game skill and power-wise, but it's the different ways you and up at certain destinations that makes the game so unique. The hige swatchs of content that you get for making a certain choice, that also closes off of gigantic portion of the game at the same time is stupifying, while the depth of the characters always seems to feel just a little more than skin deep.

    Lol, not sure how I got off on this tangent, but boy am I glad I got over my "I'm not playing the Damn Witcher 3. i didn't like the first game, I don't like RPG's like that, so stop bugging me about a bloody video game" attitude. I really had no interest in this game because of the after-hype, which is weird, for me at least. Anyway, picked it up in 2018 and found out for myself. Obviously my "RPG Snobbynees" was quelled a bit as the game blew away the praise that was thrown it's way. Not sure how, but it pulled it off. 4 years after my first playthrough and I'm still a bit in awe, and like I said above, I cannot wait for the remaster. Or for BG3 to come out of Early Access, or for the CP2077 Expanion/s, but those are other stories for a different day.

    Chapter 6
    Just kidding, The End/

  2. Witam Takie małe info kolejna cześć wiedzmina 4 pokaże nam jak Mag otwiera grote z zapiskami wiedzmina szkoły Niedzwiedzia które zostawił po sobie tamten wiedzmin a Ryś bedzie odnogą tej szkoły Powodzenia "informacje o tych zapiskach znajduje geralt w dodatku krew i wino"

  3. Played this mastery of a game since almost day one, more like 2 month after it came out. After 2 Playthroughs i switched to Deathmarch for the other 4 and i have been watching your videos since you started with them. Big big thank you for that, really loved it and looked forward to your new Video every week.
    I also noticed, that i have almost seen every detail you showed in these Videos, i guess inhaling this game was a really good choice:) thank you for your greatness

  4. There's a mentions of zebras somewhere in the game but I forget where. It mentions black horses with white stripes or white horses with black stripes and I'm sure it mentions where there from in that dialogue

  5. It seems like the trader is kind of bugged. I tend to find his icon around Velen (and I almost always met him there first before meeting him outside of Novigrad). But, Carsten is the place that I'm quite certain I'd meet him. And this is actually where I first met him in my earlier playthroughs. Good find. Great video as always. Keep it coming!

  6. I'm just starting my fifth playthrough, And I'm not sure if this is common knowledge, walk really close to ciri in the tutorial of the game you get some dialogue about ciri Just needing to grow a bit, she even comments says "vesemir's got that look again"


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