"150,000 missiles aimed at Israel" | Melanie Philips

In this clip, Melanie explores the Arab-Israeli conflict and offers her insight on the geo-political situation which has led to tensions escalating in recent times.

Melanie’s column currently appears in The Times, but over the years she has been published by the Guardian, Observer, Sunday Times and Daily Mail. She also writes for the Jewish Chronicle and Jewish News Syndicate.

Her best-selling book Londonistan, about the British establishment’s capitulation to Islamist aggression, was published in 2006 by Encounter, New York. She followed this in 2010 with The World Turned Upside Down: the Global Battle over God, Truth and Power, and in 2018 with her first novel, The Legacy. This is the third time she and John have sat down to talk.

See full interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFtdHa1Ph9s

#israel #palestine #war
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45 thoughts on “"150,000 missiles aimed at Israel" | Melanie Philips”

  1. What a pity. John is no different to Jordan Peterson it seems. Both zionists who are more loyal to Israel than their own countries. Selling out the western people, for shame

  2. We cannot blame the jews of Israel to defend themself nor blame the palestinians to do the same. The conflict dates back to jewish colonisation , i.e. the creation of the Jewish state. Three possible resolution types: Jews eliminates the Palestinians, Palestinians with their arab states supporters eliminate the Israeli jews, Political solution that both sides can live with. The clock is ticking and time is not playing on the side of Israel. Israel was made possible by the domination on the world of the US empire and its current hegemony decline may be the end of this project.

  3. As a young person I couldn’t understand why Melanie was always on tv and disagreed with her on so much. Now I’m older and have lived she speaks so much sense and I really admire her. Funny old world.

  4. Donald Trump is Israel's best friend. This wouldn't have happened, if he were in office. Now a bunch of 🕍 Jewish lawyers from New York are trying to put Trump in jail, so he can't be President. Let me know how that works out for you, New York. 🗽✈🏢

  5. Oil oil oil ……Britain has dealt shamefully with Israel , but never fear …..Israel is still a Covenant People that belongs to the God of Abraham , Issac and Jacob ….

  6. When the arbiter of truth is unwilling to look reasonably at the evidence the verdict will always be wrong. I was born a month before the state of Israel came into existence. My existence was affirmed. Israel's has not been affirmed despite the attempt by the United Nations to partition Palestine. The Zionist leadership accepted the plan whereas the Palestinian Arabs and surrounding Arab states rejected the plan. War ensued and the rest is the history of the region repeated over and over with the same results.

  7. The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course…


  8. She does not bother to explain how she arrived at that figure of 150,000. One might hope that she didn't just pluck a really big and scary number from thin air.

  9. Clueless… the west doesn't just say, sorry it's your problem so you deal with it (the west causing the problem in the first place with the mandate) where do you think Israel gets their weapons from… 😅

  10. Hogwash, same can be said about both sides. This is pure cope. Israeli govt action has led to this horrible attack. Innocent israeli's and palestinians will continue to die if we keep entertaining this narrative. People dont just wake up one day and choose violence… theres always an agenda

  11. Some will say Who is the 1? Who comes as a thief? Yet in the same time Not stealing! New ears has to be given. To hear unto all who have an Ear let them HEAR! THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD IS FOOLISHNESS UNTO THEM WHO ARE PERISHING? HIERS PROGRAMMERS WILL SAY! PRESERVE. INSTEAD OF OFFERINGS PERISH!!!!!

  12. Imagine china invades australia and subdues 50% of the population. Fast forward 50 years and the other 50% they couldnt bring under subjugation are still fighting to get there land back. China would call them 'terrorists' we would call them, 'patriotic freedom fighters'

  13. Melanie, you have said a lot of good things in the past… that I respect.
    But all of this was an unmitigated load of claptrap.
    Israel is not innocent… no-one in this conflict is innocent.
    Once the dogs of war have been slipped – then whatever innocence might still exist will be sacrificed on the alter of hatred and vengeance. Hamas and Israel have chosen the hill they wish to die on – and so they will.
    They all have chosen the way of blood – and blood they shall have.


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