147 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith – Political & Spiritual Games, What Can 2023 Possibly Bring?

Episode 147 we discuss the ongoing swing of the pendulum toward the conservative side in the secular, political, as well as in the religious world. If we apply the King of the North vs King of the South philosophy with the passing of Pope Benedict XVI, we can see that the conflict is even raging inside religious entities such as the Roman Catholic Church. But is this the reality or part of a masterful game? What does 2023 possibly have in store?

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0:00 Intro
1:11 Presentation Start


Traditional Catholics face uncertainties, challenges after Benedict XVI’s death

Faith leaders cheer ESPN analyst’s β€˜moving’ prayer on-air for Damar Hamlin: β€˜He wasn’t afraid’




England Must Return to the Catholic Faith Or It Will Fall
Catholic Drive Time YouTube Channel

Glenn: My visit to Vatican City proves EVIL IS EVERYWHERE
Glenn Beck YouTube Channel

Woman arrested near British abortion center for praying speaks out
Fox News YouTube Channel

Balenciaga Child Abuse Grooming Scandal | CancelBalenciaga
Little Light Studios YouTube Channel

The Great Controversy (1888 ed.), p. 571.2

Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 228.4


43 thoughts on “147 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith – Political & Spiritual Games, What Can 2023 Possibly Bring?”


    Traditional Catholics face uncertainties, challenges after Benedict XVI’s death


    Faith leaders cheer ESPN analyst's 'moving' prayer on-air for Damar Hamlin: 'He wasn't afraid'





    England Must Return to the Catholic Faith Or It Will Fall

    Catholic Drive Time YouTube Channel


    Glenn: My visit to Vatican City proves EVIL IS EVERYWHERE

    Glenn Beck YouTube Channel


    Woman arrested near British abortion center for praying speaks out

    Fox News YouTube Channel


    Balenciaga Child Abuse Grooming Scandal | Cancel Balenciaga

    Little Light Studios YouTube Channel


    The Great Controversy (1888 ed.), p. 571.2


    Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 228.4


  2. I really love these discussions. So informative and inspiring…they leave me always hungry for more prophetical truths. I could listen for hours to Professor Veith .

  3. Dr. Taylor Marshall is also acting the part similar to the catholic man you showed. He seems much more charisma than this man you showed so his influence is probably entertaining a completely different group of people.
    He speaks of church and state in his posts too, and is encouraging people to push back against the liberalism. If I’m not mistaken, he was an Anglican priest who gave it up to become part of the RCC as laity.

  4. Seems like the church state union and conservative push will be a big final deception targeted at Christians to bring as many down as possible before probation closes because it will seem like such a huge win against liberalism.

  5. We're glad to see you both again and expecting to watch more videos from you ( here in the Philippines πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ ) upon waiting for the time of our difficulties and the fulfillment of the prophecy in the Bible. God bless us all.

  6. If pope Francis all of a sudden woke up and let God save him, and ditch all the new age and jesuit and catholic doctrines and practices, and instead accept and believe in Jesus Christ, it would be one great miracle.

  7. Hello. I hope this question can reach Prof Vieth. Of all the truth brought to light, I’ve seen none on Edom. I believe God’s Word says that Edom will still be standing when Jesus returns. Has the Professor spoken on Edom in the end times prophecy and if so can you post links?

  8. There are so many "tools" in our world, that its just silly to even take them seriously. What in the world happened to the Protestants? that man is a Fascist!!!!

  9. I know the prevailing interpretation of Daniel 11 is the literal battle between the King of the North and South becoming a worldwide ideological battle continuing until the end, but this interpretations seems a bit confusing to me when I read the text of the chapter. I have some questions.

    1. Where does the chapter switch from literal to symbolic and how do we know? Where else in the Bible does a literal prophecy change to a symbolic one on in the middle of the prophecy? All the previous prophecies of Daniel which were clearly symbolic had an interpreter, but Daniel 11 does not. In verse two the angel tells Daniel he will show him the truth, and the chapter clearly starts off as a literal telling of history from the 3 kings of Persia to the fourth attacking Greece being Xerxes. Followed by the rise of Alexander the Great and the breakup of his empire into 4 parts ending up with the literal conflict between the Seleucid and Ptolemaic empires.

    2. Where is the clear line of succession of the King of the North, and South through the chapter? In verse 15 it states the King of the North becoming strong, but in Verse 16 another man "He that cometh against him" seems to overtake the King of the north, but at no point does the chapter label this new man (many say this is Rome because in verse 20 calls him a "raiser of taxes") the King of the North. As a matter of fact the phrase King of the North is not said once between verse 16 and verse 39, which is over half the chapter. Even in verse 25 when this man "he" goes to war with the king of the South it does not mention him as the "King of the North attacking the "King of the South", as it did between verse 6 and 15.

    3. is there a third party in verse 40? Often verse 40 is interpreted as the pendulum swing verse final conflict between the king of north and south. "The King of the south push at him, and the king of the north shall come against him." If I state that bob pushed him and joe punched him, then I am talking about bob and joe attacking a third person, not each other. Does it not make more sense that verse 40 is the king of the north and south both attacking the king from verse 36 who "regards no god", and a strange god who his fathers knew not?

    4. If verse 40-45 is spiritual how do I spiritualize and interpret Edom, Amon, Moab, Ethiopia, and Lybia? This seems to severely complicate a symbolic interpretation of these verses making it too speculative and confusing.

    5. If the king of the North is the Papacy then doesn't the text of verse 11:45 and 12:1 contradict the rest of the prophetic timeline? Verse 45 states that the King of the North comes to his end, and 12:1 states at that time Christ stands up, which seems to mean the close of probation. The prophetic timeline has the Papacy continuing until Christ's return, which is after the close of probation not at.

    Overall Daniel 11 is the one chapter which seems to cause a significant amount of confusion when I look at various interpretations of it. The ideological battle sounds good, but it does not seem to flow with what is actually written in the chapter.

  10. Peace, protection and blessings be upon you Brethren. I need some clarity on the Sabbath. American Samoa has gone into a change of time that is causing division among the church members. My question is If the Sabbath is the last act in the drama and as we are following the gregorian calendar ( Daniel 7:25 ) how can we know for certain that we are observing the right day ( Sabbath ) according to the bible or the lunar ? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you

  11. Mary is not in heaven, all these ladies of whatever places are demons deceiving the world. Deuteronomy 18:11 clearly associates consulting spirits (demons) with necromancy. If people would study their Bible on the state of the dead their eyes would be opened. The Lord have mercy on them.

  12. Blessings to AllπŸ™πŸΌπŸŒŽβœ¨πŸ•Š

    Could those demons pope mentioned be the the externalizing of the hierarchy, where he’s even trippin!?!
    Read they allegedly tortured those three fatim babies
    Is it better to read the GC 1888 version or the 1911? Are both Spirit inspired?


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