14 Absolutely HORRIFYING Attacks on Birds of Prey | Pet Spot

14 Absolutely HORRIFYING Attacks on Birds of Prey | Pet Spot

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Birds of Prey are vicious creatures that swoop down on their target from above. They are highly efficient hunters. These birds are also known as raptors, and they typically hunt small mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects. Although these birds are stacked in the predatory department, it is not unusual to see them at the mercy of other relentless creatures. Just when will a lion reach its breaking point with a committee of vultures? Is a chicken properly equipped to end the life of a raptor? All of your questions will be answered as we have compiled 14 horrifying attacks on birds of prey.

Number 14: Lion
Vultures are one of the largest raptors, and what makes them even more terrifying is the fact that they move in groups. A committee of a hundred birds can strip a 100-pound carcass down in just three minutes. That’s why predators have to be wary when these raptors join in on a feast.
A lioness is not going to let that happen. She rushes the vultures with her eyes trained on one. The raptors take flight, but the lioness grabs a raptor in flight, drags it down, and proceeds to kill it. A fitting end for a freeloader in the animal kingdom.
Stomach acid protects all animals because it digests bacteria and other living organisms along with other proteins. The main reason vultures can eat almost anything is that they have the lowest gastric pH in the animal kingdom.
A male lion attacks a group of vultures eating its lunch. It pins one of the raptors down, breaking its neck instantly. It’s around that time that the lion wants to have a change of appetite, and the raptor just puts itself on the menu.
Although vultures will eat just about anything, they will not eat a carcass that is more than a few days old as it becomes putrid. They are predominantly scavengers but will occasionally kill small animals that are sick or dying.
Here, we get to see another lioness that is sick of the shenanigans pulled off by vultures. The female cat chases a raptor and jumps to catch it. Fortunately for the bird, the lion could not get a strong grip on it, and it managed to slip away alive.

Number 13: Hyena
Vultures are large birds of prey that feed primarily on carrion. The problem is other larger predators are willing to indulge in the same diet. Competition can be fierce in the wild, and a bird cannot afford to injure its wing, lest it becomes a sitting duck for other predators.
A large committee of vultures is sharing an animal carcass with a hyena and a jackal. The hyena decides to reduce the number of uninvited guests by attacking a vulture next to it. The raptor retreats but not before suffering a wound to its wing.
Unlike many raptors that prefer to fly solo, vultures are very social and accommodating of other birds of the same species. Most of the time, they live in very large flocks that can prove problematic to other predators.
Here, a hyena tries to chase off a large number of birds of prey eating a carcass. The birds completely cover the carcass, leaving no room for the canine to eat. The hyena successfully chases a small number away and proceeds to dig in.

Number 12: Deer
If given the choice of fight or flight, deer will choose flight as a survival strategy. However, like most wild animals, they can become aggressive if they feel cornered with no apparent means of escape. And in rare cases, they are the instigator of fights.
Here, a hawk swoops down on a rabbit in a field. A deer comes running along, attacking the hawk and freeing the rabbit. You would think the deer would be satisfied with this, but it isn’t. It continues to pound on the raptor with its forelimbs nonstop.

Number 11: Bear
Bald eagles have sharp talons that they use to hunt down their prey. However, in the face of the mighty bear, the attacks are only gentle taps on the bigger predator’s head. Bears are huge predators that are seldom bothered by other creatures.
In this video, a mother grizzly and her two cubs are up on a mountain. The mama bear has only one goal in mind, and that is to feast on the young in a bald eagle’s nest. Two eagles defend the nest swooping down on the bear in an effort to chase away the beast.

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