13-year-old Tetris whiz believed to be first person to “beat” the game

13-year-old Willis Gibson, also known as “Blue Scuti” online, is believed to be the first person to officially “beat” the classic version of Tetris, more than three decades after its release.

Gibson claims his run also broke world records for overall score, level and lines completed.

Abigail Bimman looks at what “winning” the influential game actually means, and how Gibson’s historic achievement has rocked the gaming world.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10201755/tetris-beat-first-person-willis-gibson-blue-scuti/

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41 thoughts on “13-year-old Tetris whiz believed to be first person to “beat” the game”

  1. So what??? What, is he going to master Frogger next??? Is Atari 2600 still available at Radio Shack??? If he was a real whiz—like Fred Savage’s brother in The Wizard—he’d be playing DARK SOULS, BABY!!!

  2. You can’t beat Tetris Pac-Man Galaga cause there is just no ending I’ve done the same thing got to where it freezes that doesn’t mean I beat the game if you want games that you can beat go play the beat ‘em up games like bad dudes double dragon teenage mutant ninja turtles it might cost you 40 tokens depending how good you are in the game I own the teenage mutant ninja turtles arcade machine I put money in it to see how much it would cost to beat it that’s 30 to 40 quarters about $10.00

  3. I don't believe he is "the first one". I am sure many ppl have done that in the past but back then, nobody recorded their gameplay. And as a mom, I wouldn't be proud of my son if he had spent hours and hours in front of a computer playing games.

  4. Education as an Antidote for Hunger

    Recently, the UN, and several related organizations, marked two significant dates: the World Food Day and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. International organizations for the poor and hungry have existed at least since the end of World War II, but neither poverty nor hunger have been eradicated. If anything, they have increased. What, then, are we doing wrong, and can we change the dismal reality?

    The problem is not lack of food; there is plenty of it. In fact, much of the food that is produced gets thrown away and pollutes the water and the ground rather than feeding hungry mouths. So people are hungry not for lack of food, but because there is no interest in helping people get it.

    The prevailing attitude is one of narcissism. We care only for ourselves and suspect everyone else’s intentions toward us. If we have any surplus funds, we use them to build walls and fences, not to help others. This is how we behave around the world as individuals and as nations.

    To quiet our conscience, we create organizations to tend to the poor and hungry. We fund them generously and appoint functionaries and bureaucrats to deal with the problem.

    But if our hearts were with the poor, we would not leave them in the hands of bureaucrats, just as we would not leave our children in the hands of social workers to see to their upbringing. We would see that the people we care about get what they need.

    Because we do not care, we appoint uncaring people who present plans for dealing with the spreading poverty and hunger, and announce special days to bring the problem to public awareness. They do not do a thing about the actual problems, but simply justify their bloated salaries through professionally designed presentations and verbose speeches that glorify their (nonexistent) achievements.

    If they truly wanted to solve the problem, which funds their lavish lifestyle, there would be many ways to do so. However, the surest way to lift people from poverty is education.

    First, there are technologies that can increase the yield of fields by multiple times through sophisticated irrigation systems, controlled environments, and other means. Farmers need to be taught how to use these technologies, and should be given the means to acquire them. This step alone would lift countless people out of hunger and poverty.

    Next, I think that organizations for eradication of poverty and hunger should use their budgets to buy lands where they will both grow crops for food that will be dedicated for the poor, and use some of the land to teach local farmers more efficient agriculture.

    Additionally, these centers for agriculture and education should be used in order to provide general education. It is well known that educated people have more opportunities in life, are generally better off, and can provide for themselves and their families better than uneducated people. Therefore, as a means to eradicate poverty and hunger, these centers should also provide general knowledge and education.

    Also, education should not be only about avoiding poverty. Poverty is not a personal matter, but a social one. Therefore, people who study at these education centers should also learn about solidarity, mutual responsibility, interdependence in today’s world, and other topics that will help them establish themselves as positive elements in a connected world.

    In this way, we can create an agrarian transformation that will become a social and cultural transformation that can free people not only from the grip of poverty and hunger, but integrate them in the global society of the 21st century as confident and positive individuals. In turn, these people will help others rise from poverty, and the process will gain momentum.

  5. What's the difference in a kid playing a game for a total of 20 hours a week from adults who watch 20 hours a week of tv and movies? I'll tell you. The kid is actually using his brain instead of mindlessly and passively staring at a screen like a zombie. People need to get off of their high horse with criticizing gamers.

  6. 20 hours a week isn't that long at all. I guarantee the average person, child or adult watches TV for longer than that a week. This kid doesn't seem to have an addiction its just some bitter haters


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