13 Investigates uncovers USPS workers found culpable of stealing mail

ABC13 Investigates problems with mail theft at the post office and how government documents show in some cases, it’s an inside job.


41 thoughts on “13 Investigates uncovers USPS workers found culpable of stealing mail”

  1. I was a UPS driver for 25 yyears and retired 20 years ago. I occasio9nally thought about how easy it would be to take home something special but they just kept us so damn busy I could never get up the nerve. They were paying me better than every other worker out there and we moved so fast there was no planning time, so you wouldn't do something stupid and get caught. I just never did. There would have been too much guilt.

  2. This is happening everywhere, my sister got a package empty twice . That's was send out from Puerto Rico to Topeka, KS . 😢 And none of the post office have done anything about it. Money waste , time waste. Very sad this is getting out of control.

  3. I know USPS had disappeared numerous important government letters to me… it was a pain to get them resent. They (apparently) stole a battery charger I ordered too. I didn't realize it was this bad though.

  4. This is a complete disaster. Most of us own small businesses and are affected by this thief ring. The people of Cypress are loosing money medication information documents etc. and very little is being done about it. I don't know the process but when the master key was stolen they should have replaced the locks. I understand that may be costly but we the people pay for it. The lack of efforts with the local post master is horrendous.

  5. They did lower the bar for hiring at USPS.
    I gave up with them when I mailed some documents Priority mail. When I traced it, the mail never left the local PO. Whoever took it thought checks inside, but they were wrong again.

  6. Even though I live in Vegas… I work at LAS and dropped an envelope at the mail box at E6 (yep, there’s a USPS box in the terminal) because I thought it would be safer. They were 2 gift cards. Never made it to its destination. So irritated by that.

  7. I mailed a padded mailer to my kids on the east coast from the west coast. it contained several hundred assorted gift cards for their Christmas gifts. the package was delivered two weeks late but it was shredded and the cards were gone. someone at our local post office had a very nice holiday indeed.

  8. Congress needs to step in.
    If priority packages are not delivered within the given USPS delivery time period , then the sender should receive a full refund. Presently there is no incentive for the Post Office to get the job done.
    They don’t care if it gets there or not or if it’s delivered on time. They already got paid and they won’t guarantee the customer the package will be delivered within the given delivery time frame.

  9. I had a check stolen and the evidence showed it had to be an employee. The check was dropped off AT a post office counter and when what I received was the opened envelope in one of the USPS plastic bags, sealed, stating the item had been damaged, and thus the encasing. So the only people who handled the envelope were postal workers.

  10. We aren't concerned anout the 600,000 USPS Employees. We're only concerned about the Thieves and their Managers who minimize the severity of the situation. There should be a minimum jail sentence for these thieves!

  11. I had a gift card stolen from a birthday card that I mailed and the guy was on video using the card at the store and identified. I was not the only person he did this to. HE WASN'T EVEN PROSECUTED OR FIRED!!! They let him quit without consequence.


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