10 War Movie Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

Pick that jaw up off the floor, soldier!

Spoilers for the following movies…

10. Stalingrad
9. The Wall (2017)
8. Saving Private Ryan
7. Where Eagles Dare
6. Sands Of Iwo Jima
5. Dunkirk
4. The Eagle Has Landed
3. Inglourious Basterds
2. 1917
1. Atonement

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29 thoughts on “10 War Movie Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming”

  1. Spoilers galore for this one…check the description for a list of movies we mention. Also, entry 3, Inglourious Basterds, that's supposed to say Alternate Timeline…FYI. Slight mistake only noticed after uploading. Hope you enjoy the video, thanks for all the support! <3

  2. It's rare to see the "bad guy" win, so I really liked The Wall's ending. That's also why I liked Infinity War's ending too. It gets boring when the "good guy" always wins in movies.

  3. I never realized that people were shocked about the old man’s identity in Saving Private Ryan. Even if they look similar or it’s fades from on to another the confusion is taken away as soon as it zooms out a bit. The movie is called saving private ryan and Hanks clearly has a captain insignia on his helmet

  4. I'm curious to see how a war movie, theoretically based on historical events, can have a plot twist.

    Inglorious Bastards is not historical. So that's the twist. Not too shocking.

  5. Those old war movies from the 40s through to the 70s and 80 were very beautifully shot I guess it could b how disconnected movies feel now but I felt good cn them this morning not cuz of war cuz of the realism of the films real actors sets costumes special effects sounds and backgrounds 9 times out of 10 thank yall

  6. Ironic the true the terrorist net AL Qaeda in Iraq was losing to much fighting men! They ask the very great assistance of the Taliban leadership along the Afghanistan an Pakistan border region! The Taliban would send several hundred Taliban Islamic fighters to help AL Qaeda the last year of the Iraq War all out terrorist conflict of 2011! Also North Korea military very secretly sent serval hundred jet fighters during the Vietnam War conflict! My historical information for today. Have a great fabulous wonderful day.😀😊

  7. The Saving Private Ryan ending wasn’t a twist. It was completely clear to me and loads of other people. In Dunkirk, you know Gibson is French if you’re paying attention. In 1917, Blake’s death isn’t an unexpected plot twist. It’s part of a WWI plot line. From the get-go, one of the two men was going to die. Blake was the less experienced and more naive so he was more vulnerable.
    I haven’t seen Stalingrad, but I have read a little about the battle. Soviet soldier, civilian soldier, all civilians, people were dropping like flies. The thing with the Soviet soldiers though, was that a few of them were loyal to Stalin and were on board with the “nobody can leave” policy. But you wouldn’t know which ones until they did something like this.
    Atonemen was just Ian (can’t spell his name) writing in his own dispairately miserable style.

  8. Inglorious Basterds was Tarantino jumping the shark, as far as I'm concerned… was underwhelmed by his filmography- too much "meta"… glad he's "retiring". just wish he'd take M Night Shamamlayan with him.

  9. I can't see how Atonement is a war movie. Yes, it takes place during World War 2, but that doesn't make it a war movie. The war had little to do with the story, aside from the fact that Robbie fought in it

  10. John Wayne's character's death in Sands Of Iwo Jima, joins the likes of Michael Caine's Carter in Get Carter, Samuel L Jackson's character in Deep Blue Sea and Steven Seagal's Travers in Executive Decision, as most surprising movie deaths ever.

  11. Was hoping for all the queen's men to be on this list, Matt LeBlanc leads a team into a women's factory in WWII to try & steal an enigma machine, only to discover they had been sent to fail as the British had already got their hands on 1 & they wanted the Germans to think they were still trying to steal it

  12. Blake's death was ridiculous in a movie that was otherwise very detail-oriented. Pilots in WWI were oft descended from nobility and highly chivalrous. They considered themselves knights of the skies. It's absurd to think a German pilot would immediately kill the very man who pulled him from his burning airplane. If the script writers needed to kill Blake, they should have just had the plane land on top of him. (With all those open fields around, having the pilot of the stricken aircraft end up barreling through a barn is also far-fetched.)


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