10 Most Incompetent Imperial Officers (Galactic Empire)

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34 thoughts on “10 Most Incompetent Imperial Officers (Galactic Empire)”

  1. The problem was also, the emperor had a circle of bumbling Grand Admirals with the exception of Thrawn. It was also known many of the empire's best and brightest defected to the rebellion, so you need to quantify the number of narcissistic and ambitious dunderheads leading the imperial military.

  2. So ehhhhh. Anyone want to tell generation tech that one of the officers in the thumbnail is in fact the main villain of Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull who was a soviet

  3. In defence and Ozzel-

    Hoth, was a disaster for the Empire from beginning to end, apart from and tactical ground victory they failed all their strategic goals- to capture any of the Rebel leadership, allowed the Rebellion to escape and become the fighting force they were at Endor, not to mention failing to capture or turn Luke (they lost a Star Destroyer, got one disabled, half a squadron of TIES, probably a few hundred guys and some AT-ATs on thr ground in return for Han Solo, whom they promptly gave away!).

    However, what occurs to me today is that as well as this Ozzel was actually doing the right thing, surprise was the best option, what was Vader going to do? Enter the system from far out/other side of the planet/star and let them realise they were approaching from a way off? The Rebels would have just been "oh here they come better turn the shield on and start the evacuation then." It obviously didn't take very long to do as they had it up almost immediately after Ozzel arrived. Maybe if everyone turned up and started shooting it would have worked?

  4. Interesting how a lot of these officers were centered in and around Lothal. Maybe you should do a video on why such important sector had so many bad officers. Also, the officer weaknesses would or could stem from Moth Tarkins inability to promote solid officers.

  5. Price was a military governor. That is a thing. For example Douglas MacArthur was military governor of Japan. She was appointed to serve as governor in a military capacity and therefore wore a uniform identifying her as such. She also had command authority making her a combatant.

  6. Piett shouldn't have been on there. He was a professional officer and did what he could with the hand he was dealt while fighting a very resourceful enemy. Vader understood this and if Piett was incompetent Vader would have choked him. As a bonus Piett was actually on a list of 20 favorite characters the Star Wars Insider published in the late 90's which was based on reader votes. He was a side character that I never would have thought made the list. I don't think he would have made that list if fans saw him as incompetent.

    Replace Piett with whatever her name was who Han bribed with hyperfuel.

  7. Why do you have….SPANKO, I think is her name, whom is from the Indiana Jones Universe being shown only once as the main villain in Kongdom of the Crystal Skull, shown on the thumbnail when this is only about Star Wars which that character (nor any woman really during the OG trilogy) was never in?

  8. Whoa, going to have to argue that Piett should not be here and in fact acted as best as he could given the positions he was put in. I also hate that in battlefront 2017, what's his name says "Piett you fool". Next to Veers, Piett is a solid leader. Everyone else on here is pretty much accurate lol

  9. This is what happens when you prioritize loyalty and political zeal in your troops over competancy, Empire! The Empire didn't lose the war because the Rebellion was just that capable, it was because the Empire had no good leaders left after Thrawn vanished, all they had left were bumbling buffoons like Ozzel and Piett or political zealots like Commander Zara from the comics or Garrick Versio.

  10. At the awards ceremony on Yavin IV following the destruction of the Death Star: "And now we will have a moment of silence, not only for the brave pilots that gave their lives today, but also the one man who held the record for being Recruiter of the Month and Recruiter of the Year for the longest period of time, our dear colleague, Wilhuff Tarkin."

  11. By far the most incompetent imperial of all is Darth Vader because all of these other characters wind up in the position that they're in because they want power and don't mind that they're going to get killed for failing once also Vader's propensity to kill his officers for failing once means that none of them ever learn from their mistakes.


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