There’s a lot of fun in terrifying your video game enemies.
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43 thoughts on “10 Games Where ENEMIES ARE SCARED OF YOU”

  1. In GoT you can get a perk to boost your chance to terrify enemies after a successful standoff is performed. So not only can you get an opportunity to slice through 4 or so guys like they're butter (all one hit kills), but if you do all 3-4 in a row successfully you'll see the remaining 2-3 enemies just fall on their asses in shear terror of you and then run like cowards in the other direction. They actually run away so fast sometimes you can't even catch them on foot and need to shoot them with your bow.

    Point is, it's great. GoT does a good job at making you feel like the invincible ghost you come to be called in the game.

  2. I've always hated that in Skyrim bandits will see you take down 2 dragons and shout a man out of existence and they will still attack you.

    Ghost of Tsushima you can be mid fight and some enemies will just run away. I love that.

  3. LOVED the way Prototype made both civilians and soldiers afraid of you. Civilians would run and cower if you did something unnatural like punch a car or even if people crossing the street saw someone get hit by a car randomly and got scared or started puking. The interactions were so good, slapping soldiers and civilians in the back of their head and listening to their backtalk. 😁 I wish they made a third game and brought that aspect back. Awesome video.

  4. Batman Arkham series has the best AI ever till date. Only game that comes close and didnt surpass was Metal gear solid 5 and shadow of Mordor but those are very basic compared to the immersive AI of arkham.

  5. Nothing compares to Bethesda enemies.

    *Sees max lvl Dragonborn engaged in combat with an elder dragon.
    *Runs in shirtless with an Iron dagger to have an awesome story to tell in Sovngarde.
    *Sees a guy decked out in prototype power armor with portable nuclear weapons and miniguns.
    *Runs in shirtless with a gas mask and a pool cue or switchblade because this was your last hit of psycho and you aren't wasting it.

  6. In Far Cry 2 the fear mechanics play an integral role in the game’s difficulty. At the outset enemies don’t think much of you; they mock and ridicule you, and they’re more aggressive and accurate with their attacks. As your reputation grows, however, enemies start panicking when they know you’re nearby. Their movements become more erratic and their attacks are slower and less accurate. They spend more time huddled in fear than attacking, whimpering about “the Butcher”—your new nickname. These interactions emphasize that you’ve become far more of a monster than any of them will ever be.

  7. Yeah, it was always satisfying to take down enemies in arkham knight with stealth. Made me feel like Gene Wilder: "So much time, so little to do it. Wait a minute, scratch that, reverse it".

  8. One of the little touches with Halo was enemies, especially the grunts, when you stick plasma grenades on them will panic. Bungie did great work on making them feel like they were alive there.
    With Ghost of Tsushima even without using the ghost stance you can make them fall over themselves trying to get away when they've just seen you rip through all their buddies, even the brutes can fall over and try to bolt scared of being next.
    Arkham the fear factor seems to be less noticeable in Arkham Knight unfortunately, at least in the open world.

  9. X-men Origin : Wolverine. How can you miss this thing dude? Grown men , putting away their guns and covering their eyes before their gruesome death.100ft tall Sentinel robot got so scared and flying away from Wolverine. ☠️☠️

  10. I’d argue that even though enemies weren’t scared of you in InFamous like they were in Prototype, I feel like Cole or Delson have the same appeal in certain aspects of the game based on dialogue. I know when you’re evil in Infamous the civilians are more affected but I feel like it’s a somewhat similar concept to Prototype. I know, I know this is an old argument about comparing InFamous to Prototype but I’ve played and beaten both series so I feel like I can compare certain aspects of them.

  11. Punisher on ps2. Enemies will run and or give up if lone and of course are terrified during most interrogations.

    Hitman as well given many targets are unarmed.


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