10 dogs die from overheating during drive from O'Hare to Michigan City

10 German shepherds died after overheating during a drive from O’Hare to Michigan City, in Lake Station, IN. FULL STORY: https://bit.ly/3QzyMkX


26 thoughts on “10 dogs die from overheating during drive from O'Hare to Michigan City”

  1. You asking for paperwork instead of actually helping the dying dogs. Ppl are so self-righteous on both sides, instead of doing what’s truly helpful!

  2. It should be against the law for dogs to be used as shields for cowardly cops, and the road side drug sniffing scam needs to go away too. There are many jobs a dog can do that don’t give these corrupt pigs the ability to ruin people’s lives and or get these poor unwitting dogs murdered while the person who SHOULD BE keeping it safe sits back and waits, gun in hand , for the perfect excuse to become judge and executioner with no repercussions for putting what’s supposed to be their partner in harms way…

  3. Couldn't the person have pulled over, gotten water, sought help, something? The guy got mad at the offer and let the dog die, what an idiot! So he had five more dogs…what's someone like that doing with 15 dogs?? He needs arresting and never being allowed to have pets again. Sick of animal neglect!

  4. At least 27 police dogs have died in hot vehicles this year along…and those are the ones we know about. The driver should not have been allowed to leave the scene. The dogs were piled in tiny crates, two high, packed to the door of a box truck. What water bowls were found were the size of bird bowls. The driver was belligerent and abusive toward the humane society head when asked to produce paperwork, then allowed to drive off with what dogs were still standing unsecured in that same non cooled truck.


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