10 Best Rollerbladers Ever

Who are the top 10 inline skaters ever! Rollerblading is full on incredibly talented skaters, but who are the ten best?

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00:00 Alright
First rollerblader
Another skater
The next inline skater
Four of them
Johnny 5 rollerblades
The sixth
Lucky number 7 an aggressive inline skater
Alright mate, number 8
9 skate set ups
Magic 10
Secret section – BRAIN FEAR GONE
18:20 Patreons

Spotty Dog



44 thoughts on “10 Best Rollerbladers Ever”

  1. Aragon, Shima, Haffey, Farmer, Broskow, Latimer, Feinberg, Morales are undeniable. I think Takeshi is also undeniable and should have been included unless you specify "street only" – so thats 9, the 10th spot could be Bailey, Stockwell, or Bolino but theres also a huge list Eito Yasatoko, Enin, Eisler, Lomax, Wellsmore, Kelso bros, Montre, Ian Mcleod, Nils Jansons, Sven Boekhurst Billy Oneil Soichiro etc. who could all argue for the last spot.

  2. As i started skating non of the above even skated i belive. It Was Arlo Eisenberg, Brian Smith, René Hulgreen, Randy 'Roadhouse' Spizer and some more. In that time a 'Blatan' Soulgrind on a Handrail was insanity 😆

  3. You should make a best competition skater list cj wellsmore Roman abrate diako diaby the yashitokos nils Jansons montre Livingston juilan cudo eugine enin Matt solerno and Chris Edwards could all make the top 10

  4. Good video.

    I was in same era, the first video I watched ever was "What do You Believe in?", and Shima was the star.

    My list is a little bit different.

    1 – Chris Haffey
    2 – Brian Aragon
    3 – Alex Broskow
    4 – Chris Farmer
    5 – CJ Wellsmore
    6 – Iain McLeod
    7 – David Sizemore
    8 – Montre Livingston
    9 – Roman Abrate
    10 – Brian Shima

    Honorable mentions: Franky Morales, Colin Kelson, Jeff Stockwell, Rachard Johnson, Erik Bailey, Nils Jansons, Chaz Sands, Julian Bah, Richie Eisler

  5. Not a one black guy on the list ! Do you dislike Montre ! I know you are a racist hiding in a skinny weak hipster, I have no problem with you be what ever but know I the Shredder think you are experiencing an ego trip and you don’t even have the skills to back your mouth (nice list and demonstration of knowing about skating), but what about skating do you skate at all? Skate Ar

  6. With that kinda list this is when you chek how many good skaters their is i will say for a me + vinny minton, murda,richie eisler, billy oneil, demetrios g,dominic sagona…and of course their is more!! bless up

  7. I’ve got to put up Chaz Sands, when I was 14/15, Scottish and to see what he was doing on a pair of skates was always mind-blowing, quality tricks but also a pure steezy style like he was water with the way he flowed

  8. Aragon and Haffey hands down best……..others are ok but those 2 killed it. If you ever seen them skate street in person you would know. There is alot of others that are very technical but just never had there names blow up like some on this list…. sometimes who you know (film makers) helps. Oh and Vinny Minton just to mention one had way slicker style.

  9. As someone that skated with most the guys on list at some point in time I have to say Aaron Fienberg is for sure the og goat of all time. in my mind the overall goat period but just my opinion. Not taking away from anyone else cause they are all beast but from say 95 to 2005 in the highest point of rollerblading Aaron was LIGHT YEARS ahead of everyone. There wasn't anyone that could one up Aaron. The most accomplished skater out of everyone still to this day. Plus the most well rounded skater. From winning asa vert competition to technical street he could do everything. He is the Michael jordan of rollerblading in my mind period. Plus the most humble person on earth. Big ups to my boy Aaron.


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