1 killed, 2 injured in drive-by shooting in Auburn

One person was killed and two other people were injured in a drive-by shooting in Auburn Friday night, according to the Auburn Police Department.

Story: https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/1-killed-2-injured-auburn-drive-by-shooting/281-90d1746f-1daa-4a1d-b284-b671c941f22f


16 thoughts on “1 killed, 2 injured in drive-by shooting in Auburn”

  1. Common fallacies Conservatives like to make, easily dismantled.

    Q: It's a people problem, not a gun problem.
    A. It's both, it doesn't have to be one or the other. Blck males commit crimes at a higher rate but it doesn't negate the fact that wht males are in second place. Research shows a clear correlation between poverty and crime.

    Q. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
    A. Grenades don't kill people either, why can't we have those? Or Nukes? Or C4? Or Stinger missiles?

    Q. Guns are inanimate objects, how can they kill people?
    A. Look at above answer.

    Q. Tough gun laws don't work, look at all the "Democrat" states.
    A. Top 5 lowest gun related death rates: Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, New York. Top 5 highest gun related death rates: Louisiana, Alaska, Montana, Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee. Yea, tougher gun laws absolutely work but it could be better.

    Q. Why make it hard for "law abiding citizens" to purchase a gun legally?
    A. Because of people like Stephen Paddock. He had 3 suitcases full of legal weapons and he killed 60 injuring 800. It's a 100% guarantee it will happen again.

    Q. But it's so difficult to get guns!
    A. If you can't get a gun, you're probably not a law abiding citizen.

    Q. Cars and knives are dangerous too, why not ban those?
    A. If cars and knives are just as dangerous as guns why don't we send in soldiers with cars and knives then?

    A. Guns are used defensively 2,000,000 times a year.
    B. For that to be true, there needs to be 5,479 instances per day where a gun is used defensively. If you believe this, I’m worried about you, why don’t you just say, “A gun is used defensively a bagillion times per year.”

    A: If the victim or bystanders had a gun, this wouldn’t have happened.
    Q. If that’s true, police officers would never die. Being armed doesn’t make you invincible.

    Q. It's in the 2nd amendment.
    A. The 2nd amendment was passed over 200 years ago with the musket in mind. Not only that, it was written under the assumption the US would not have a standing army, only militias, with MUSKETS. The actual text reads, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    By the end of this year, 44,000 people will have died after getting shot, 4,400 will be children. Ya'll are OK with 4,400 children dying violent deaths? It is now the leading cause of death in children, can you believe that sh*t?


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