%100 TERRIBLE SHOT: Massive Airstrike on Russian Navy near Crimea!

%100 TERRIBLE SHOT: Massive Airstrike on Russian Navy near Crimea!


31 thoughts on “%100 TERRIBLE SHOT: Massive Airstrike on Russian Navy near Crimea!”

  1. Issue is, Ukraine did not succeed. Also this is a mosquito bite and Ukraine is just adding more dead men for no gain ,except more young women looking for husbands again

  2. a tip for Ukraine. In the second world war they used boats floating just below the the surface. Just like torpedo's. Cant Ukraie make unmand drones filled with bombs but let them sink just beow the surface when close to the target and unsean forthe russians. Only a periscope and antenna cant be seen. pick your ship and make everery drone count and sink them all!

  3. Iโ€™m not sure about the news information – some old trolls story !
    Please deliver actual news – not some successful story from the past.
    Glory to Ukraine ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ’ช

  4. Soviet leader Gorbachev began dismantling the evil Bolshevist USSR in 1985, 44 years late, in a series of reforms called Open Society and Reconstruction. Unfortunately, the process of de-Bolshevization and de-Sovietization was never completed in post-Soviet Russia. Therefore, when Chekist Putin came to power in 1999, he was able to immediately start restoring a regime of neo-Bolshevism and Stalin-style neo-Sovietism in Russia. The result we all know: suppression of free speech and other democratic and civil rights and freedoms in Putinite Russia, mass-murders and aggression in Ukraine.

  5. 43,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died in the last two months. How are they going to win just by sinking a Russian vessel? Russia is winning. Dont give us false hope of Ukraine winning.

  6. It is very iportent Anny deliver Ships ho deliver Russia must be exept that they goes in a War derektion alsow they now that they can shoot by Ukraine difenders it is Russias fould when they take zivil ships to deliver Russia Soldiers for Weppens or Eat it is legetim Target to becous it is Russias problem not Ukraine problem shoot at all Russia ships incl.Deliver ships from Russia good look from Germany slava Ukraine

  7. Why doesnโ€™t the Ukrainian forces send a ship loaded with fertilizer along with a small submarine or ship under the arches of the Kurch bridge, unload the crew and detonate the ship and blow that fucking bridge up for good ?


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