Zombies Used To Be Scary

Call of Duty Zombies Used To Be Scary!
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Zombies Used To Be Scary
Call of Duty Zombies Was Scary

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34 thoughts on “Zombies Used To Be Scary”

  1. I know no one's going to agree with me which I don't care. My favorite zombies was WAW-BO2 when it was based on historical conspiracies then this fantasy multi timeline crap

  2. I like your videos man, but it sure looks like your just pumping videos without really having anything to say. I mention this in hopes that you will reevaluate your niche, not to be critical. Take a break or find content worth covering bud.

  3. Last map that seemed scary was actually die rise for me. I mean the weird sounds playing throughout the game is chilling to this day. Just random creepy animal like noises

  4. I remember when I played Kino in 2010 and I would hear the most random shit and then in 2012 I would boot up tranzit and the opening music would play and then a rock version of the opening music would play then a zombie would yell out and there were shotgun shells and blood on the screen along with a postcard tell me that doesn’t sound scary

  5. Idk the old zombies with a headset is still low key a bit scary even as an adult. The new games just don’t have the right sounds and the look is to bright and nice looking

  6. I feel each cod zombies arch had its own horror and the more you learned about the story and the characters, the less scary it was and the more interested you become in wanting to know more and then you are scared in the next game by a different scare. Kind of akin to goosebumps in a sense. Like you know the standard but then occasionally you’d get different themed twists like your favorite monster is now trying to hunt you down.
    So the arcs would be:
    WAW:nazi science and torture horror and zombies
    BOps1:jump scares/close corners and bringing the horror to modern day with wall crawlers, slow lurking zombies that are powerful, and tapping into ruins site horror and such themes.
    Bops2:mutants, post apocalyptic, and location challenge (Heights and lava)
    Bops3:chthulu/monster horror
    Bop4:god/cult like being trying to control the world
    Although I will say, WW2 was gory and vulnerability scary, while when it comes to Cold War, because it was an unknown, the first map gave the feel but I feel the massive tactical aspect kind of ruined it for me. I never felt truly vulnerable as I did in older zombies games where I had to work to get a shield to feel partially safe.

  7. For me the scariest thing about older zombie games is that it was very mysterious what was actually going on. Like you didn't know what was actually going on like what could be lurking around or behind the wall that was unacceptable to the player. It just felt like the atmosphere was hinting at something much scarier happening behind the scenes.

  8. I feel like mob of the dead was creepy for me when I was younger, but WW2 zombies was just really anxiety inducing, from the specials sprinting and sneaking up to you, and the dark areas.

  9. dated graphics is a component sure, but the intricate details are what really make or break the scariness. ambience, lighting, the two hit system..etc. the fact that most all of the weapons in waw-bo2 felt uniquely unsuited to the task is a big one for me. an atmosphere of dread and hopelessness is established through all of the systems, with slight hints of hope in the perk machine jingles, pap, song

  10. They traded horror for story telling. Horror could only last so long. You still got a nice mix of horror with blood of the dead and some of the chronicles maps. Honestly a good trade off in my opinion.

  11. I believe it was harder and unknown back then. Guns where useless. The atmosphere. Clunky mechanics and not really knowing how it works and a 2 hit system ment you wanted to gave fun but had to be so carefull.

    Now we have smooth fast movements. But these old clips the visibility was bad. If they fogged every Maop and atmosphereed it be more inline with what it was but I loved how clear cold war was. Vanguard we faulted but back then we didn't fault any of the game it was the experience.

  12. They removed the the horror aspect ever since in BO3!!!! The are pushing for younger audiences!!! The horror aspects is what made zombies fun and scary and they removed it!!!!


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