Zombies surround survivors hiding in a cabin.

Fear the Walking Dead S8 P1

“Fear the Walking Dead” playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPj4gbbd8AuyGndPSU7C5VZhwXytdOc1Q

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18 thoughts on “Zombies surround survivors hiding in a cabin.”

  1. 16:20: that writing is a strong foreshadowing of what's going to happen in just a few episodes. Jenny, Duane and King County, Georgia. That's his wife and son and King County is where he lost them both. King County is also Rick's hometown and where he and Morgan first met.

  2. Just like TWD, FTWD went to utter shit. They had these amazing, incredible stories and out of the blue just turned it into utter garbage. Shells of their former self and glory. After season 3 finale in FTWD they left us on this massive cliff hanger, then with zero fks given, dumped this abomination that was season 4 and the rest of the show. Nick was the whole reason I got into this show and loved it, he was battling addiction when the apocalypse started, he was the focus of the show. I was also addicted to dope when the show came out, so that's why Nick resonated with me so much. The character of Nick was battling his addiction simultaneously as I was at that time. Never seen "junkie stuck in the zombie apocalypse" before and they did the whole dynamic so well. the Clark's were written so well too.

    I tried countless times to watch season 4 and continue the story but just could not. I watched again around season 5 or 6 and it was just as bad. I'm sorry I don't give AF about Morgan and all that. Travis dying was highly upsetting and it was clear his death changed everyone's fate and even humanity. It was a hard truth that you ultimately had to accept. Nick's death though was just a spit to the face, it would be like if TWD killed Rick in season 3. I'm only bitxhing about the shows not your recaps, so thanks for the recaps. Just disappointed how the mainstream killed two amazing shows.


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