Zombie Slaying – Exploring Alpha 21 | Episode 29

alpha21 #7daystodie #letsplay Zombie Slaying – Exploring Alpha 21 | Episode 29 Genosis embarks on a brand new Alpha 21 …


20 thoughts on “Zombie Slaying – Exploring Alpha 21 | Episode 29”

  1. At 23:14 you said you were going to make some fuel in the campfire with a beaker. Did you mean to say chem station, or were you thinking of some mod you have played in the past? Did they add that ability in A21 or something?

  2. I know that Daphy is busy IRL but maybe the next series could be a collaborative series. Nothing crazy like trying to sync times with Jawoodle or Khaine, but local 7 days players you enjoy gaming with. I really loved when Grand Spartan used to bring in his crew to play DF. No massive editing, the game from your perspective and the other players on their channels.

  3. I watch this and remember that I'm currently avoiding the game on my 7th day, 60% infected, no food, very little to drink and standing atop a feeble excuse for a horde base waiting to die which, I have to admit, is probably the best thing for me at this point.

  4. I've been enjoying this series. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. You know it's interesting, I found out you can actually still craft boiled water in the camp fire, rather than have all those dew collectors. You just need to collect a bunch of murky water. I ended up with like 125 murky water bottles from looting, then crafted boiled water from it. It saves having to use additional heat.

  5. PARTY TIME! I've completed my Forge Ahead books and have made a couple of crucibles. Now I have to get off my butt and build my new base, my starting area was waaaay down at the south end of my map. (sigh) I have to do a farm-flip. I like having lots of different foods for my character – much as grilled meat would be JUST fine, a varied diet is a thing I guess.

  6. the master chef is just a waste of point if you want to cook faster craft another campfire, just like how make many forge and cement mixer…btw, did the penetrator also add damage to spear?

  7. I always have the subtitles on and when you said "drones and robots degrade slower" the subtitles said "drunken robots degrade slower"! You know, somehow it just fit! Hope you're having a great day 😂


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