Zombie Infection_Chapter 7_Docks-3_Mobile Gameplay Walkthrough.

About This Game:
Zombie Infection is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Gameloft. It was released in 2008 for
The Inside Action counter-terrorist team (consisting of police officer Anderson Stark, corruption-expository documentary director Mike Kingsley, and camerawoman-reporter Shawna Michaels) arrives at a diner at which there has been a homicide. After killing the criminal, they witness monstrous creatures rioting outside. Attempting to escape through the fire exit, they are attacked by a group of Freedom Fighters who are bombing the building, causing a huge explosion.
Five hours later, Anderson wakes up near a police station. On his way there a civilian asks for his help in finding the latter’s family, which got separated while running from zombies. He agrees, and after finding andd escorting them to the station and protecting them from the zombies, enters the station, and contacts Mike, who is near the back entrance of a television station. Mike is instructed by the Inside Action TV series’s creator and their handler Fritz Rotwang to find Shawna, who is nearby, as the video from the diner incident can expose the Freedom Fighters’ corruption, get to the Inside Action office, upload the video to the Internet, and get to the station’s roof, where Anderson is coming with a helicopter to take them to a safer place. He finds a katana and kills several zombies inside the building, finally proceeding to the front entrance, which is blocked by a fire. He tries to contact Shawna, but assumes his radio has been broken, and looks inside again. Shawna finds a handgun in a trash can and attempts to help a civilian get to safety, but is ambushed by some Freedom Fighters, who threaten to send an entire Freedom Fighter company after her and take the civilian away. She extinguishes the fire using a fire extinguisher she found inside a nearby building and meets Mike inside the station. The way to the next floor is blocked by wooden planks, so they look for an item to pry them loose. Shawna heads to the northern part of downtown New York and kills a giant mutated spider as well as several smaller infected spiders. Upon finding a crowbar, Rotwang informs her that Mike is being ambushed by a horde of zombies inside. Rushing back to the building, Shawna helps Mike kill them and clears the way to the next floor, where they encounter Addison, the producer of their show, who is trapped in the second filming set. Mike turns the electricity off and releases Addison while Shawna takes an elevator to the next floor. He gets to the next floor via the stairs, and they encounter several hordes of zombies. After killing them, they finally get to the roof, where Anderson is waiting for them. A huge clawed monster attacks, and is seemingly killed by Shawna. However, as they take off, it is seen hanging on to the helicopter, causing it to crash. The three find themselves in a forest; Shawna is injured. Anderson saw a military base across the river during the crash, and finds a broken boat. Killing several zombies, mutated spiders, and clawed monsters along the way, he finds some wooden planks and instant glue to fix the boat. While returning to the boat, Mike informs him that he and Shawna are being held prisoner, along with some zombies and spiders, by “some nutters” called Urban Patrol in a zoo to the north of the crash site; their captors think Shawna has been infected. Anderson rushes to rescue them, but is locked in a cage just in front of the one Mike and Shawna are being held in. Anderson kills zombies attacking them and shoots the switch that controls Mike and Shawna’s cage, opening it. Mike opens Anderson’s cage and they make their way to the boat. Anderson also optionally frees civilians trapped in a cage before rescuing his teammates.

The base is a Freedom Fighter camp. They offer to help the three. While Shawna is being treated, Anderson talks with Captain MacLane, who claims that Rotwang is responsible for the virus outbreak and has the only known cure to the virus (saying that the Freedom Fighters who bombed the diner are working in a theater with “unique stressors”) and that they have a warrant to arrest Rotwang, who then moments later contacts Anderson and tells him to meet him at the diner after eight hours since the video wasn’t uploaded properly (he assumes the Freedom Fighters are jamming the signal). MacLane decides to lead his army to the diner and take down Rotwang, who isn’t aware of the Freedom Fighters’ newfound alliance with Inside Action. Mike helps out some Freedom Fighters by recovering a gold watch from zombies, bringing back people lost in the forest, etc. After Shawna is healed, they head to the park’s exit but find that the power to it is down. She gets it back online and they


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