ZOMBIE APOCALYPSES that should NOT have happened!

Some zombie outbreaks took over the world, town or continent a little TOO easy. And today we are discussing a few of them that in no way shape or form should’ve become a widespread or destructive force of undead like it did.

0:00 Intro
1:35 Army of the Dead
5:55 The Walking Dead/Romero’s Living Dead
11:03 Cargo
15:43 28 Weeks Later
27:38 Outro

28 Days Later Theme “In the House in a Heartbeat” – Cover by Djem (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-oi2V7zRSY)


40 thoughts on “ZOMBIE APOCALYPSES that should NOT have happened!”

  1. Why wouldn't they just kill her. They are winning. A cure isn't needed. What moron decided to risk it? Even if you keep her do it away from the biggest safe zone.

  2. After experiencing the world through the covid lockdown, I'm entirely convinced that if there were ANY sort of zombie outbreak, the military would be countered by the shear stupidity of humans

  3. So he KNOWS his wife is infected and contagious, KNOWS the virus is spread through any bodily fluid, and STILL KISSES HER? How did he not see his infection coming??

  4. As much as I love the Rage Virus storyline, the movie 28 Weeks Later absolutely never should been made. Any enjoyment to be had watching it is completely overshadowed by its disgusting incompetence.

  5. Army of the dead whole movie should of been based on first minutes of the movie and characters at start facing the super zombie in the middle of desert least then it be more like horror survival.

  6. If the zombies are super slow and mindless like the ones in walking dead or most George romero films than it would be simple to eliminate them. Tho if we are talking cod zombies or wwz zombies than im taking the easy way out

  7. You sure you don't want to re-evaluate this given COVID? 😂 People wouldn't even wear masks when asked simply out of an abundance of precaution. You expect people to politically unite and also be willing to destroy the heads of family members? You must have a higher opinion of folks' ability to pull together when challenged than I do 🙂

  8. As far as zombie apocalypse's that should not have happened, this one definitely takes the cake, and its Res- The Alice Chronicles from 2002-2016, (Considering how little the film makers actually cared about the source material I'm not even going to bother calling them Resident Evil), Anyway the outbreak of the T-virus in the movies Should Not have gotten out of control as much as it did. In the movies it went from the outbreak in the city to…(Checks the script), The whole world, reducing plants and rivers to…(Checks again) "Desert wastelands"??????, ignoring the fact that virus's do not work like that, the corporation that caused the outbreak to begin with made a cure for it and all anyone had to do, (And I'm not making this up it's actually explained in the last movie) was to…"Shatter the anti-virus on the ground, instantly killing anyone infected with it), Not only that but unlike the games the zombies or "Infected", are not nearly as durable as their game counter parts, In the games zombies could withstand being shot multiple times even in the head, but in the films, especially the sequels the zombies can be taken out with a single headshot, and as shown in the sequel, "Apocalypse", we see officers, STARS members, and even UBCS troops equipped with powerful weapons and they still got overwhelmed…How????, and to add insult to injury even the corporations most powerful bioweapon, "Nemesis", was seen to be taken out in, (Looks at the script again and trust me this is a good one)…Hand to Hand combat…, Out of all the zombie movies I've seen to me this one was definitely an outbreak that Should Not Have Happened.

  9. The one thing I really hate about zombie movies was because of soldiers and other people don't know how to kill the zombies by shooting in their heads. Seriously, why they can't kill it? It's not even that hard!

  10. On a realistic level, people are arrogant and egotistical race, with very little intelligence for the most part, so sure if a zombie virus was to get out, it wouldn't take long for it to get out of hand, the safest places in the world would be rural landscapes, and islands, I'm not saying that the dead are going to be reanimated, but a outbreak of a mutated version of the rabies virus is possible

  11. You may have said you enjoy 28 Weeks Later, but thank you
    I'll respect if it has its charms for people (personally can't see it because the camerawork and lighting absolutely ruined most of the action/horror scenes), but there was a time it was probably my most hated zombie movie (it was dethroned by World War Z), in large part, because of the outbreak.
    Sh*t drove me nuts, and I just can't understand why it wasn't called since its release as such.

  12. For a while, I used to agree that something like a zombie outbreak would/should be something that would be handled easily and then everyone goes about their day, after.

    Then the C19 situation reminded us: "Yes, the government would 100% take advantage of you during a crisis, because 'fuck you' that's why. Yes, they're gonna make it political and continue too fight each other, just like they do about everything, and totally avoid doing anything meaningful to solve the problem. Yes, the government would mistreat and misuse the military and make it weaker or totally useless. No, don't expect any help from the government, don't even bother with them, don't rely on them, don't even give the government a minute of your time. They're out for themselves, and you (the people) never."

  13. at the risk of sound like a broken record a lot of ya questions are answered for 28 weeks later when covid literally happened and the government practically said get fucked

  14. aren't we still living through a pandemic? with goverments and people doing the dumbest thing, and spreading the diseases, and now we have variants after variants, i think what happen in this movies are easily explained as how they got as bad as it did. People are dumb, plain and simple.

  15. Man created a weapon that can make 1 million people reach 1 thousand degrees in 1 second, but somehow slow,brain dead corpses take over the world??😖😖

  16. I think this is why the more successful zombie fiction today has a lot of special zombies or gives them more outlandish powers (IE: Dying Light)
    We've collectively realized how weak zombies are in their original form and have had to beef them up to make them a respectable threat.

  17. The world would absolutely crumble during a Walking Dead apocalypse. None of what you said would happen. Why?

    Example, a very real COVID 19 panic. A simple mandate: wear a mask. Ppl even saw ppl die from the disease yet they refused the mask, vaccine, hell even denied the virus existed. Stupid motherfuckers like Tucker Carlson or Donald Trump would spread misinformation everywhere and within a week, we'd have lost millions. And since those millions then become spreaders/carriers, America would be the first country to fall, especially the southern states.

  18. Zombie movies are my favorite genre of horror films. Having said that, I've always found it hard to believe humanity would be replaced at the top of the food chain by the undead. The first few months of the zombie apocalypse would probably be pretty rough as the human population would be caught off guard by attacking zombies and a large percentage of humanity would be killed or turned, especially if we're dealing with the remake of "Dawn Of The Dead" zombies. They're fast. But the movies pretend modern militaries armed with devastating weapons don't exist. I think it was the novel "World War Z" that talked about how stupidly humans fought the war with tanks and airstrikes that didn't work because zombies can't be killed like living humans. Non-nuclear weapons would wipe out hordes of z's even if they weren't killed. They'd be completely ripped apart. They night not be "dead" per say. But they're neutralized. Humans would win a zombie war


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