Zombie Apocalypse Sim Where You Must Survive with an Infant in They Don't Sleep

They Don’t Sleep is a zombie survival life sim with roguelite elements. The player character must battle zombies, cook food, manage her stress, take care of her baby, and gather supplies from town while trying to escape to safety.

Patreon Only Gameplay Series ▶ www.patreon.com/SpicyFalcon
Subscribe for More ▶ https://www.youtube.com/user/YKYMrFalcon?sub_confirmation=1
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Game Download ▶ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2009380/They_Dont_Sleep/


Recommended Gameplay

Project E.V.A. ▶ https://youtu.be/GSqW25KRj3Y

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher ▶ https://youtu.be/2G36vHAn5g4

Frontline Isekai ▶ https://youtu.be/s-kz9gnUJk8

Potionomics ▶ https://youtu.be/VYdhzr0jhu8

Day Off ▶ https://youtu.be/eTYOzcT5D9I



43 thoughts on “Zombie Apocalypse Sim Where You Must Survive with an Infant in They Don't Sleep”

  1. I'm gonna be perfectly honest.
    A baby in the Apocalypse when you don't already have a well established and well fortified base or settlement, is one of the absolute DUMBEST thing imaginable, yes, that includes Splitting Up.
    Might sound cruel and heartless, but if there is a Baby that will cry it's butt off, it's better to leave it for dead or suffocate it or Something, but having it with you when you're roaming or Barely have a defense is a death sentence, not to mention the lack of sleep it will cause, which will spell your doom.

  2. The problem isn't a lack of money, lack of resources, lack of support. The problem is you. You're the one who dictates where you end up. Stop blaming the world around you. You're in control. You determine the outcome.

  3. Not sure I did the math right. Their 7 skills and each can be rise to 12 so is that 7×12? Which is 84. So does that mean you should have a max of 12 on each skill at 84?

  4. Dang, another brilliant stress zombie game, and it always top view
    Zombie? 50%
    One day born baby? 70%
    Alone? 90%
    Consistent suppy? 95%
    Time? 99%
    Return from death Subaru perk? -99% stress.
    Game overDie because gate being breach? 1000% stress.

    What this. Gamer mod or what? 😂

  5. Ok. I'm 100% seeious on this and you can call me a monster but……if I was in a zombie apocalypse with a baby on my own…..I would ditch it. Having it decreaes my chance of survival because of noise, I can't leave it alone for an extended period of time, so it shrinks my arena where I can explore/plunder, it eats up special and sometimes rare ressources, gets ill very easily and doesn't contribute anything and there is a huge chance, that it will be responsible for my death and then be killed directly after me.
    A baby in a zombie apocalypse is nothing but a liability

  6. Well i feel uncomfortable about zombie games or movies. I mean….. Zombie eating childrens(most teens), mother turned zombie eating her own babies, pregnant zombie( infant is zombie or what i most worried is the infant still human and still can be saved but most survivor does not care and shot, stab, slash, whack the stomach of pregnant zombie), childrens and babies/toddlers zombie, pregnant woman, childrens/babies, psycopath, raiders, AWOL soldier/law enforcement (police), mutated zombies, armed and armored zombies, physical echanted zombies, cannibals, animals zombies, zombies with anomaly, sentient/ high intelegent zombies, secret evil organization with their own armies of special forces and zombies, tribal peoples (rare), hostile survivor, evil and corrupt government, factions battles, hostile sniper(like survivors but most of them is a loner who will shot everything move from afar while hiding unnoticed) wild animals and etc.

  7. it's always, slightly, annoyed me how quickly games with a hunger system force you to eat or die. it's like "Hey, i haven't eaten in 4 hours guess i'll die"
    When in real life fasting exists.

  8. Fake it until you make it, not exactly a unique idea. I will give it points for being the first to bring it to a zombie sim. Hades was another variation where you could fail repeatedly until your skills were so overwhelmingly OP you beat it by sheer virtue of your OP'ness. Feels exactly the same here.

  9. This game really exposes the lack of humanity a lot of the deranged, mentally ill members of our society has. The lack of empathy and the comments of people floating the idea of abandoning a baby in favor of their own survival really is a pathetic showcase of our species.


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