Gaming Icks! Rage Quits! Oh, and life in Japan? All of this and more on episode two of ZELVX and CHARLIE GIRL! Flood the comment section with your ICKS!

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Edited by: @JDeanWilliams
Art by: @melotica.rt (IG)
Hair by: @herhandstyles (IG)

0:00 โ€“ Intro
1:18 โ€“ Gaming Icks
16:38 โ€“ Life in Japan
37:56 โ€“ Rage Quit Moments


41 thoughts on “ZELVX and CHARLIE GIRL | Ep. 2 | GAMING ICKS and RAGE QUITS!”

  1. Another great episode, my gaming ick is I guess dealing with drift issue with my switch and know if you play super mario 64 trying to complete the game ๐Ÿ’ฏ is frustrating especially collecting 100 coins if game is moving on its own or doesn't work I get upset and annoyed, and rage quit tekken 6 facing azazel omg besides shao khan who is op boss, azazel is ridiculous I rage quit that game alot then other tekken games.

  2. I missed out on answering the rage quit question the first time, but hereโ€™s mine.

    The only time I ever raged so hard I ended up breaking my controller was playing the TNA Impact video game storyline mode. Around the middle of storyline, your character gets kidnapped and has to fight in some kind of warehouse. I remember the cpu just reversing everything and I would get so close to winning and then out of nowhere theyโ€™d throw a finisher and pin me. After hours of having to constantly reply that same match, I got so mad I slammed my 360 controller down on the hardwood floor and the controller actually spilt open right down the middle. I had to buy a new one real quick before my mom found out.

  3. This is such a chill podcast! I relate to Charlieโ€™s COD story because my biggest gaming rage quit story was playing COD with my little brother and his best friend. This was back in the local split screen days and one day he and his friend decided to play a game while we were doing the COD split screen where the only goal was to kill me over and over and over again. We were big wrestling fans and Shawn Michaels was my dude. After like 20 deaths I snapped, stood up, and hit my brother with the sweet chin music and broke his nose. Well worth the three months I was grounded and they never teamed up on me like that again. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. I really love this channel so much already, and I love that Zelina & Dakota share their moments on their favorite games including the Gaming Rage Quit moments!!!! Good stuff, looking forward to EP 3!!!!

    I have to say that my #1 biggest rage quit from video games is automatically still Pokemon Battle Revolution when I tried to beat the last Colosseum boss at Stargazer Colosseum for the 2nd time to beat the game again only to lose to him because he had a legendary Kyorge (And another legendary Pokemon, can't remember lol) on his team at random AND he ended us using my favorite Drizzle strategy against me while beating up my Pokemon with Sheer Cold, god I need to play Pokemon again so I can't get my revenge on that boss AND beat him with my legendary Pokemon team. I was literally the queen of Pokemon in my prime lol.


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