Zelenskyy tells Congress US assistance is vital to defending Ukraine against Russian invasion

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Wednesday that “against all odds” Ukraine still stands, as he paid a defiant wartime visit to Washington to thank U.S. leaders and “ordinary Americans” for their support in fighting off Russia’s invasion and pledged there would be “no compromises” in trying to bring an end to the war. President Joe Biden and Congress responded with billions in new assistance and a pledge to help Ukraine pursue a “just peace.” STORY: https://abc7ne.ws/3Wy4ZbN

#zelenskyy #ukraine #biden #us #congress #russiaukrainewar #russia #abc7news


48 thoughts on “Zelenskyy tells Congress US assistance is vital to defending Ukraine against Russian invasion”

  1. Looks like zelensky just stepped out of planet fitness 😳
    You mean with all over future generations billions he is finenessing us out of he can't even look the part. God help 🇺🇸

  2. Our politicians, in one way or other corrupted and compromised…Biden, McConnell, Obama,….our system of government is damaged…AND time is running out for our citizens to uphold our sacred country high!

  3. Legend has it that Zelensky is forwarding that money to Russia to upgrade their military. Meanwhile, Russia is destroying it's outdated equipment and disposing it in Ukraine!
    NEVER trust a Russian!!!

  4. Ukraine $100 billion+
    Americans 1500 for covid. Social security going broke. Gas $4. Inflation 40 year high and climbing, officially in a recession, mortgage rates 8% and climbing. Unemployment 6 year high.
    Joe biden is the worst thing thats ever happened to America

  5. I support the Ukraine. These peaceful people were attacked by a military regime. Course we didn't mind bombing Iraq's ' rag- heads' back into the stone ages. That certainly taught those Saudis- who bombed us- a lesson.We spent 11 billion on a border wall. (Course that was largely funded by all our billionaire taxpaying citizens.) How's that working for the drug trade? Hitler's march across Europe may well be in the minds of our European allies. I respectfully suggest that supporting Ukraine is the patriotic duty of all freedom loving citizens of the world.

  6. Great now russia shoots one of are secret weapons down and dissects it and then makes there own ,great,how about help for usa peeps on s,s or homeless or are fk up reds all over why billions to anyone else first?i don’t get it

  7. This is all smoke and mirrors! Just funnel that dirty multi billion dollar government spending slush fund back into their own coffers. Thankyou Feckless week Rhino Republicans for voting for it!

  8. Why this guy wearing hoodie while meeting with the world most powerful person. He looks like he end up there after taking wrong turn during jogging. Ukraine don’t have tailor..?

  9. Americans tax dollars are going to help a Ukrainian totalitarian dictator to launder money's back into the hands of American totalitarian Marxists while advancing Klaus Schwab's NWO by baiting Russia into nuclear war. And Nancy Pelosi grins like a sauced Cheshire cat and kisses zelensky's hand. Satan will control the world for only a short time before he and his followers will be thrown into the pit, but he will cause a lot of death and sorrow as he corrupts.

  10. I see the Russian Useful Idiots and Trolls are out in full force again today ….. Meanwhile 99% of Congress gave President Zelenskyy multiple standing ovations PROVING your Propaganda campaign is still an abject failure

  11. We have Zero Interest in the Latest European Squabble ? Has always ended badly ( thousands killed) BEFORE THE INVOLVEMENT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS ? This Will Get Out Of Hand ! 😔

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