Zelda Fan plays Baldur's Gate 3 – Revisiting (Part 17)

We take one more lap around before making our way to the Shadowlands. Along the way we find Gale’s mentor, the Elminster as he tells him of Mystra’s new task for him. We also find a Mounter Hunter, haunting for Vampires, who was looking for Astarion. We accidently tell him our camp location but luckily warn Astarion beforehand, so everything is fine? While there are still tons of things we may have missed, I think it’s time for the Shadow cursed Lands!

Since a lot of you guys were interested, here is my continuation of Baldur’s Gate 3! If you want to see more, please continue to show your support, thanks!

FULL SERIES PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFdQ3YMJDN9iKwl4e68WFF2qW4d1KDLQj

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Outro Song & Music used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8a45UZJGh4&t=170s&ab_channel=RiotGamesMusic

#bg3 #baldursgate3 #gameoftheyear


47 thoughts on “Zelda Fan plays Baldur's Gate 3 – Revisiting (Part 17)”

  1. I usually nope out of the egg quest, I didn't even know you could give the lady the owlbear egg!
    the shadowlands end act 1. welcome to act 2!

    quick note: if Gale doesn't know a spell he can learn them from scrolls

  2. Notice that Gale is a wizard, so he can learn spells directly from scrolls a the cost of some cash. Just remember to equip whatever spells you need from his spellbook, otherwise you won't be able to use them in combat.

  3. For the button in the tower you need a dog collar that is buried somewhere in the underdark (don't remember the exact place.. I think it was near the sussur tree area). Is just a little bit of environmental storytelling, the tower owner loved his dog and build a contraption to feed him whenever he pressed that button.

    If you find and equip the collar, it gives you meat every time you press it

  4. There are 3 really important spells you'll want on Gale. Fireball, Haste, and Counter Spell. These spells will make Gale useful in pretty much every situation. You might never want him to leave the party.

  5. Tips are great and so many comments are so kind and helpful, but can we all just pinky swear not to give away too much? 😉 🙏 It doesn't matter if some parts get missed, it doesn't have to be a completionist play through

  6. As for things you missed, you still need to craft the masterwork weapon with the Sussur bark you got from the underdark and one of three plain weapons (dagger, greatsword and I don't remember the last one). Just go to the waypoint in the Blighted village and enter the locked door in the building in front (NE from the waypoint I think) you can pick the quest and the instructions to craft the weapon inside.

    Also I believe you are missing the Zentharim camp, NW of Waulkeem rest (burning inn north of waypoint, entrance by the small shed besides the barn directly to the west of the inn)

    Last place is the underdark, the area before the entrance to the magic tower, immediately west from the wall with the invisible platforms and the teleport rings. There is a place you can jump to besides a skeleton and an exploding mushroom that leads to another small section a level below.

  7. Loving the series. Try reading up on your skills and load out (you can find that on the same wheel you use to see your inventory under spellbook) so you can use more diverse attacks. It makes the game more fun even.

  8. Hi @ZeldaMaster again!
    Watched all of it love the content! Couple of tips with no spoilers again! xD

    Okay ! Since you've seen how powerful spellcasters can be one tip is to pick up haste spell asap or Since you actually have picked up a couple haste and bloodlust potions in your inventory please look at them and see what they do, You'll figure out what they do and how they can benefit your characters wink

    Next Tip is : In the underdark i believe you've actually found all three pieces of a very powerful staff but you have not combined them, Look for these items in your inventory: Icy Crystal, Icy Metal, Icy Helve or if you don't have them in inventory you can check the stash and all your characters, You will have the option to Combine when you select these items in the inventory. No spoilers but you can figure it out, but knowing this will allow you to look out for other items to combine into powerful weapons another example of what you've already found is Shaft of a Broken Spear from the owl bear cave. Hope to see you look out for such things in the future!

    Again thanks for the content like regardless of how you play it's very entertaining watching the mistakes and funny choices, that's really the part of the charm of BG3 that first initial experience, Can't wait for the next one.

  9. If you ever feel that Balanced is not much of a challenge, you can up your difficulty to Tactician. It will force you to think more about your move and utilize every spell abilities and advantages you can get. Now some tips : use your battlemaster maneuver more, it is stronger than just normal attack and has secondary effects. Shadowheart standard first turn is usually bless (action) and spirit weapon (bonus action) unless some emergency happens. Do not end turn if you still have an action, just throw a bomb, cast spell from scroll or anything.

  10. The only things that you're missing is the apothecary's cellar in blighted village, it's under the house right next to the waypoint and Zhentarim Hideout near Waukeen's rest. But in my opinion, you're all set for the next part of your adventure. You could make an argument for cleaning up Gythianki Creche, but level 7 is more than enough to start act 2. Dunno, do it off screen if you want, hone your fighting skill even further, haha. Also, the only "blunder" you did in this playthrough is that you got Myrina killed, but don't worry about that too much. Pretty solid first time blind playthrough to be honest! Really enjoying it!

  11. you NEED TO GO TO the burning building and find entrance to the smugglers you NEED to go there bnear the dukes house the storage YOU NEED TO GO THERE for act 3 connected to the lift and the smugglers in the underdark. YOU NEED TO GO THERE its in one of the storehouses

  12. Tip: You can switch to turn based mode and do whatever you want outside of combat. You don't have to run after it to catch it.

    Tip2: There is a time loop in the game. In some cases, if you are late, the story will progress and end differently. This time cycle is measured by the long rest in camp.

  13. As a Wizard, Gale has the ability to learn any spell that you have a scroll for. He only needs the scroll in his inventory and you can learn the spell on the same tab that you select prepared spells from. It does cost a little gold though and you can only learn a spell if it’s of a spell level you have the spell slot level for.

  14. So excited for you to go to the Shadow Lands!! Dont burn yourself out though making these videos make sure to take care of yourself.
    Tip for Act 2: There are alot of difficult fights but alot of them you can talk yourself out of.

  15. A bit of D&D lore that the game doesn’t explain very well here about magic spell scrolls. A scroll always gets consumed when used, however a wizard carries a spell book. If you simply read a scroll (use) then it is cast at it’s base value. If you instead scribe it to a wizard spell book then it is always available after that and can be memorized endlessly by the wizard between long rests, and when cast can be upcast at higher levels with some spells to increase their effectiveness, plus it will add the wizards modifiers as well with each cast.

  16. mouse and keyboard also allow you access to a better customizable user interface that will allow you to have direct access to almost all abilities right up front not hidden behind tons of menus. between that and hotkeys you tend to not forget things as easily. the whole mouse thing is nice to click on things as well

  17. with asterion if you move out of line of sight and hide in the shadows and either range or melee sneak attack you will do massive damage. you can do it in combat as well using the cunning hide. you should use sneak attack whenever possible but cannot use on opponents you dont have advantage on. hiding will help as well as high ground or them being blinded or something

  18. Staff of arcane blessing is one of the best items in the game, especially as it's available relatively early. Look again at Mystra's Blessing it grants a nice increase to everyone's saving rolls, but the really big deal is the big increase to accuracy (attack rolls). Accuracy is one of the most important stats in the game. So you should cast the Bless that comes with the staff at the beginning of every fight. I usually leave this staff with Shadowheart as it fits in with her skill set best. I have used it throughout the game, clear to the end, it's that good. Also when you were fighting the undead at the pass, don't overlook Shadowheart's "Turn Undead" skill, it's a lifesaver when faced with armies of ghouls.

  19. When you are dealing with swarms of enemies, Shadowheart has a spell Spirit Guardians that essentially destroys enemies that get close to her (3-24 damage per turn). That would have mowed down all those spiderlings. She literally turns into a lawnmower. I am not kidding. It's a concentration spell that is well worth it.
    You did great. They say the best battles are the ones you can still walk after.

  20. 5:10 yeah the game often misleads you when it's calculating if you can do an action so sometimes it's better to move then attack.
    great weapon master gives you an additional attack when you crit or kill an enemy (check Link's second action wheel it appears there) with your bonus action.
    43:23 activate turn based mode if you want to stop time


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