Zarzakh Rises! – EVE Universe Show 9/22/YC125

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06:50 Start

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My Co-Designers
-Aikawarazu Chan
– Arkas Ilring
-Arydanika the Queen
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-Malak Starfire
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9 thoughts on “Zarzakh Rises! – EVE Universe Show 9/22/YC125”

  1. Great vid Ashtarothi.

    The new titan aka "Space Crossiant" (legendary comment on the stream guys)

    is most definately a resurrected Protoss Shuttle+Zerg Scourge.

    I saw you were streaming, went on and was perfect time for them to start talking about skins. Was about as stoked as you when they said customization.

    if they drop the paywall for ships I am very seriously considering hopping onboard as an EVE player.

    I would like to see how the IRS considers the purchase and sale of PLEX.

  2. Pirate insurgencies really do look like invasions 2.0 (when they had that chapter 2 incursion style zone). With no heavy permanent effects when the event ends to address concerns last time.

  3. Hey Ash. If you get a chance, could you encourage CCP to do something more with those capsuleer characters from the trig trailer. (Especially if it's in game, perhaps with the npe. If they ever get around to redoing the career agent missions, perhaps those guys could be the player's companions through that portion of the game.)

    The dude who flew the Tristan in particular seems like the average EVE player, and I think would bring some levity to a generally dark universe. I have an internal vision of the guy panicking when he's not getting remote reps (on the mission that tries to train the player how to do that.)

  4. I dont think most people are running potato mode unless they live in the sticks. I live on a mountain in the middle of nowhere, but thanks to Starlink bandwidth is not a problem.

    Systemwise, With a $350 MicroPC and I run 4 accounts not on potato mode.

    It takes a couple hours of tweeking and a couple optimizong videos.

    We arent in the days of expensive PC anymore. Quad Core is just about an industry standard at this point.

  5. I didn't see it until the 3rd time watching this panel (in this video!) buuuut look at that concept art page for the Angels Titan and then look at the classic Protoss Shuttle from StarCraft(1)

  6. Do we think that when the trigs finally get involved at this level, instead of a ship caster they will world ship us to the front line. The ship being the fob but located in both systems at once ….. just how cool would that be to fly in to the ships gate and on the other side it would look like the final images from the invasion trailer where from a dark cloud the ship immerges and the hordes are released.


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