YouTube Testing 60 Second Unskippable Ads, Don't Buy Counterfeit Gear, & More (BSP-360)

Topics Discussed: Youtube testing 90 second unskippable ads, Don’t buy counterfeit gear, Audio technica AT2020USB-X, The Benefit of youtuber merch, modern music that is great, how I store microphones, How you should take control of your life, and a lot of great topics in the Donation segment.

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Gear Used This Episode (Affiliate Links):
Audio Technica AT2020USB-X:
Rode NTH-100:

As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Ask Questions:

00:00 – Intro
00:20 – YouTube Testing 90 Second Unskippable Ads
– Ad Guidelines:
– Ad Length Guidelines:
09:28 – Don’t Buy Counterfeit Gear
– Ricky’s Video:
24:08 – Audio Technica AT2020USB-X
25:43 – WYHTS: Benefit of YouTuber Merch
28:43 – WYHTS: Modern Music is GREAT!
31:58 – WYHTS: How Do You Store Mics?
33:38 – WYHTS: Take Control Of Your Own LIFE!
37:18 – Donation Segment
52:28 – Conclusion

#SocialMedia #ContentCreator #Podcast


47 thoughts on “YouTube Testing 60 Second Unskippable Ads, Don't Buy Counterfeit Gear, & More (BSP-360)”

  1. My opinion of counterfeit mics is the same as counterfeit shoes.
    If you can't afford the real thing, why try to flex with a fake. Just buy something else.

  2. Once you have an entirely ad free YouTube with YouTube premium, you can’t possibly go back to watching ads and wasting your time. I hate to say it, but pay your way out of the ads hell.

  3. 100% support your thoughts on counterfeit products (and watches) – it’s amazing which mental gymnastics supporters of counterfeit products make to justify their actions.

  4. Thanks for everything you do, including turning your ads off to make your viewers' lives a little bit better. That is really kind and considerate, as was the time you helped me with my audio setup in episode 189. I never forgot that. Here are 5 Canollars for the experiment.

  5. When I did my audio research for my new venture I found you and have stuck with you. I have always believed that higher quality products and the people and resources that go into making them are worth it. You really do get what you pay for. Great video as always.

  6. Hey brother. Unskippable ads may be the straw that breaks an individual camel's back but YouTube has a lot of camelbacks to experiment on to find the maximum amount of straw the average donkey can bear. They're big and successful enough to crack some spines in the search for profit. Also this sounds a lot like Cory Doctorow's theory of enshittification, which is worth checking out.

  7. There are even more concerning YouTube experiments: Israeli Premium users got advertisements back. On reddit there are screenshots. It's not a bug, YouTube communicates it like this there.
    In Switzerland it's a bug: I get ads when I watch as premium user on TV sometimes, but usually only there.

  8. The best argument for what Bandrew said "You dont need an SM7b" 23:30 , the best argument against buying that microphone was made, unintentionally, by Jayz2Cents :))
    Jeez Louise, if you buy a 400 ( Four hunjo) Dollar US microphone, first figure out that you NEED it, that it FITS your use case :)) Or if you do buy it like that, then don't go "Worst microphone I've used" like he did :))

  9. Youtube has its own ads and then your ads. It doesn't matter if the channel is even monetized, they will show you the ads they want you to see if they were paid enough. But you can just reload the video. Obviously if they go to where 1 min ads are common people will just ditch yt completely, so I am not that worried about it.

  10. Wow the intro! Blink 3 times next vid if you are hold against your will Bandrew! 😂 And yeah i agree there are so many good options in different price categories, why should i buy a cheap knockoff from a company which could go bust next week?

  11. The screen shots on the unskippable ad make me think 2 things.

    1) Maybe they are forcing unskippables on mobile as some kind of guideline loophole.
    2) Maybe its a 3rd party ap running its own ads on videos people are watching.

    Either way I haven't seen an unskippable on youtube pc version in a long time. Im not ready to just believe random people before we see how they are consuming youtube especially when the screenshot doesn't look like the default pc ui. I suspect the core of the issue is to do with the mobile platform or 3rd party aps, until I can see with my own eyes that it isn't. If im right and this was a 3rd party ap then its kind of silly to rant at youtube. Lets make sure people aren't the issue in how they are consuming the content before just ranting at youtube.

  12. Kudos for the Red Dwarf reference!
    When it comes to counterfeit products, it depends, imo? Producing and buying counterfeits of 30 to 60 years old products is fine, I'd say. The companies should have made their revenue and not event patents are valid for that amount of time.
    You're right though, when companies try to scam you, or copy recent products. That doesn't mean you can write Pultec on your product, but Pootec is perfectly fine, well sort of…

  13. I was surprised recently by a shop selling a fake $20 Boya mic. You would think if a you are going to produce fake mic you'd at lease fake a pricey one.
    I guess from country that sells fake eggs, nothing should surprise anyone.

  14. Here in Europe (Sweden) I get double unskippable 20 second ads at least once a day. I'm also 99% sure I've had 30 second unskippable ads once in a while the latest couple of months. This only happens when I watch YT on my TV tho, since I always use adblockers on my PC and phone.

  15. Absolute knockoffs are always going to suck and do nothing but feed a FOMO-ego hole. But… I've seen reviews for soft knockoffs (Copied style but with their own branding; which you've mentioned Beyerdynamic is known for?) that are said to be pretty good. I thought those were ok, if a bit suss. Until you mentioned the capsules, the people who work in the factories and now I'm even more suspicious and will have to ask more questions (Thinking of those Baifeili mics who copy a AKGC414 and Austrian Audio OC818) – The "I'll gladly pay your Tuesday for a hamburger today," quote was from Wimpy in the 80's Popeye movie – he may have said it in the comics but I'm not that old.

  16. Re: Counterfeit and knock-off products in the sound space… I buy, say, an SM7B because of the sound of the SM7B. A counterfeit of the SM7B will only LOOK like the SM7B. So the thing I want is not on offer from the counterfeit and it is therefore a waste of my money.

    If I'm buying a bag or a jacket, sure, they might look and function the same for less money. But this is not true about audio gear.

    Then again, I'm not fashionable enough to waste money on bags or jackets when there's audio gear that needs me to buy them. 😆😅

  17. Counterfit technology are dangerous as they havent passed any safety checks. These may burn down your home if you forget them turned on. Some counterfit mics may sound OK but the noise floor is horrible on them.

  18. I will play Devil's advocate on this one. I think advertisers are pushing for this change in YouTube, maybe the metrics are showing negative trends in this platform. When a change is this aggressive it usually comes from a corporate client. But like you said YT should play this one smart by promoting Premium or explore other revenue streams from users directly.

    A question for you: What would you do if YouTube starts stitching "hardcoded" Ads during the transcoding process of your uploaded video?

    Like sponsors or merch plugs from content creators.

  19. The shear amount of work I went through to slowly obtain 4 SM7b mics for my studio used on eBay without getting any counterfeit's. My god it was a lot, but worth it. So glad to have you give this lame rant about being a narc. I'm a narc too. Much love Bandrew.

  20. "why not do this or that to raise money instead of unskippable ads?"

    Because the point is not to get enough money, the point is to get as much money as you can

    Make no mistake, if Alphabet Inc. could charge you for breathing oxygen they would

  21. Dude…. the counterfeit thing is just OUT OF CONTROL. The secondhand market has for the most part been destroyed by this. I've gotten 2 mics now that are fakes being sold as real. Quality aside (and the fakes ARE NOT as good as the original). There is no warranty for it. And these people calling you out on this… would be the first QQing on reddit that their SM7B that broke doesn't work anymore and SHURE wont fix it. If these companies can put that much effort into making a fake.. just put a different name on it and make it its own thing. I mean, pyle makes a "fake" 57… there are plenty of 7b look-a-likes. Call it an DM57 or something and dont put a shure logo on it. People will STILL buy it and at that point theres no issue! You can no longer buy a shure mic from a non shure authorized reseller. Ive noticed a few Sennheiser mics as well that are fakes. Neumanns have been faked for a long time, but those are REALLY easy (obvious) to spot. The shure ones are shipping in legit shure boxes with the paperwork etc. This topic was going to be one of my upcoming videos, i think maybe you took care of the topic lol. Crazy stuff we're dealing with. This has happened in the past… (the 70s saw the great gibson lawsuit guitars… though the ones putting out the instruments didnt put GIBSON on the head stock).
    And just a heads up, theres a guy in TX that is selling fake shures on ebay… if you see a NEW shure 57/58/545/565 for $50-$60… dont buy)

  22. The difference between counterfeit and clone microphones is more nuanced than it may initially appear. It's interesting that you've already tackled counterfeit gear on your channel, as exploring clone microphones could be an intriguing next step. Brands like UAD and WARM Audio often release their takes on classic microphones, such as the Shure SM7B and the Sony C800, without raising eyebrows. Their established reputations and product improvements offer them a certain immunity to criticism. However, there are also small, independent manufacturers who create high-quality clone mics that deserve attention too. Exploring these could not only diversify your channel's content but also offer support to local artisans in the industry.

  23. To clarify the terms: Counterfeit microphones are unauthorized replicas designed to deceive consumers into believing they are purchasing an original product. This is illegal and infringes on intellectual property rights. On the other hand, clone microphones are openly marketed as reproductions that aim to capture the characteristics of a particular model but are sold under a different brand name. Clone manufacturers do not claim to be the original brand, which generally makes their products legal.

  24. You should review local "mom and pop" shops that produce quality clone mics. From a business ethics standpoint, smaller manufacturers entering the clone market are similar to craft brewers challenging big beer companies. They often bring innovation and a unique touch to established products. Highlighting such products would indeed bring more content variety to your channel. Moreover, a series focused on these could help viewers differentiate between counterfeits and high-quality clones, thereby educating them on ethical consumer choices.

  25. If people are going to donate and you're going to read their comment, they should write copy for you to say…

    Hi, this is Bandrew and you've reached the voicemail of SOUND SPEEDS. Leave your message at the tone and I'll get back to you when I can.


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