You’re Gonna Take That Ride.

⚠️Warning⚠️ This video will make your blood boil. 😡 The behavior of these cops in this video is so bad that it needs as much exposure as possible. Please help make this video go viral. Also please consider making post on the local news media’s Facebook pages for this video along with posting on the City Of Sunny Isles Beach Facebook pages.


43 thoughts on “You’re Gonna Take That Ride.”

  1. ⚠️Warning⚠️ The behavior of the cops in this video will make your blood boil. 😡 The behavior of these cops in this video is so bad that it needs as much exposure as possible. Please help make this video go viral. Also please consider making post on the local news media’s Facebook pages for this video. Maybe the local Sunny Isles Beach news media will do a story about this giving these cops even more exposure.

  2. Gotcha frauditor. You need permission in writing to do what your doing to be in front city hall. Well, well, well the frauditor is somewhat speechless. I don't think he was expecting on how the officers handle this situation. That's probably what you left so fast.

  3. Cops hate poor people so much, it clouds their judgement. They see a sign and they think you're poor and that's it. Nothing else matters at that point but they move or arrest you. It's all about their hardwired hatred of poor people.

  4. Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, … Wikipedia

  5. Go get them Jeff. Please keep us up to date with this action. Officer Toledo is a moronic tyrant and a coward. He instructs other officers to do his dirty work.

  6. Should have took the ride I know you've been arrested before and taking the ride so if you're dealing with the legal ramifications of that and the lawyer fees and all that I understand but if not you should have taken the ride I believe that the First Amendment Auditors should be willing to take the ride that's how shit gets done

  7. A permit is required to conduct free speech? Really? This sergeant just clarified his position, his fellow officer's position and probably his PD's position on the Constitution. They will never learn until it is hammered into them in court.

  8. I'm curious what the reaction would be if you used a colorful professional sign, instead of a cardboard sign?

    It seems like the cardboard sign is automatically hard wired to peoples brains to assume homelessness.

    They have no right to trespass people based on optics.

    That's what they are doing.

    Trying to trespass because of how it looks.

    I have personally been trespassed from the city hall steps in San Francisco,I won my lawsuit against the sheriff there.

    They tried that permit thing too with me.

    Permits are only required for big events, not a single or a few people exercising their constitutional Rights.

    Would like to see you still try this with a colorful sign. I'm wondering if you'd still get harassed with a different kind of sign.

    Keep up the good work! ☮️

  9. Congratulations clowns 🤡 for violating Jeff’s rights I see a deposition in your future. Where you will cost taxpayers money. I sure hope you’re held accountable and lose your qualified immunity🇺🇸

  10. State sanctioned enforcers who care nothing about individual Constitutional Rights. If you spot one in mortal danger and
    struggling to breathe…do what they did in Uvalde and stand aside and warch

  11. You gave them fair warning and your intent to follow up with legal action. They chose to ignore it as law enforcement representatives of the city.
    Shame on them. Will they learn? Knowing Jeff’s style, we shall see. Stay tuned.

  12. Jeff, what is the point of the video if you aren't willing to be arrested for trespass? Cops are allowed to lie. I would believe in order to win the lawsuit, you would have to be arrested for the trespass.

  13. These cops are the ignorant they now hire to simply obey orders. They will happily push you into the gas chamber and say "I'm just doing my job". They are horrible people.


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