You’re Breaking The Law!

This is a 2022 HonorYourOath Early Voting Investigation of the Marion County Florida Supervisor of Elections. Please note, these Voting investigations are not being done as a part of or on behalf of any political party, political candidate or political movement. These Voting Investigations are being done to insure transparency and access to the voting process by all Americans regardless of political ideology or affiliation.

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31 thoughts on “You’re Breaking The Law!”

  1. This is a 2022 HonorYourOath Early Voting Investigation of the Marion County Florida Supervisor of Elections. Please note, these Voting investigations are not being done as a part of or on behalf of any political party, political candidate or political movement. These Voting Investigations are being done to insure transparency and access to the voting process by all Americans regardless of political ideology or affiliation.

    Please become an HonorYourOath Patreon subscriber with any contribution and you can enjoy exclusive, early access and ad free content.

  2. Whats to prevent the Lt from doing something with the ballots after he left? All it would take is making sure there are at least 2 people minimum present every time the ballots are handled. Accountability and clarity of elections is vital.

  3. voting in America, the "greatest country in the world"

    a couple old biddies dump the ballots on the floor and stuff them in a sack before one dude throws them in his POV and drives off by himself

    What a fucking joke

  4. Great job. I'm in SWFL. I used to be a poll worker in Broward County. In particular in black areas I watched voters get bullied and coerced. I had to report multiple staff, including the Clerk. If I had the ability to video record back then there'd be some shocking footage today. I was bullied for being a black Republican years ago in the same area. Kudos to you for keeping them accountable.

  5. You can tell nobody in these comments have worked as or knows a poll worker. Learn the procedures of how it’s conducted, how ballots are kept secure, and look up the amount of poll workers facing threats and/or not returning. I was a poll worker and would never work in this climate

  6. Well, gee, that looks like such a secure way to transport the ballots 😬🙄 I mean nobody is as apolitical as the Sheriff 😆😆😆They don't strike me as the brightest poll workers either. If they were intelligent and truly for the constitution, than why would they have any issue at all with being transparent and being recorded?

  7. Another example of our government not knowing what they are doing, thinking that you are breaking the law when they actually are.
    Stopping you from entering the building is a crime.
    Stopping you from filming is a crime.
    Stopping you from being in a public area is a crime.
    Violating your civil rights is a crime.

  8. You have to love how the Lieutenant’s default position was to lie, make up things he didn’t know about, and generally talk out of his ass. And they wonder why they get so little respect.

  9. Now I am sure a cop following you around after you have proven you have no bad intentions would be considered stocking, funny if a camera man shows up on a crime seen how quickly they will say he is stocking them

  10. So with any of these voting polling audits, was there any follow-up, did anyone get in trouble for their actions for not allowing you to enter. Is their any legal action that can be taken against these individuals.


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