Elden Ring early review scores just hit earlier today and now suckas going CRAZY. Just stop it bro…..

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29 thoughts on “You Elden Ring STANS are HYPOCRITES & FRAUDS!”

  1. I play bloodborne on my PS4 and liked it, although the story made absolutely zero sense and I didn't like that.
    At the end of the game I found out I was a slug or a snail or something and that made absolutely zero sense.

    But I've never even heard of Elden ring until less than a week ago and now I've listened to dozens of reviews I've already got it downloaded on my PS5, can't wait to play it.

    And man it's not just metacritic, everyone I've seen on YouTube that reviewed it says it's basically the best game they've ever played.

  2. under dying light comments you see them talking about elden ring and than when HFW under comments you see them talk about elden ring this is another CP 2077 fan boys who will never say anything bad about their fav game the gaming community are hypocrites. they never point out flaws in their games but try to point out flaws in everyone else fav games.

  3. I honestly don't know why people trust their entire souls to Metacritic. Who are all these people? Why does everyone say the same things but in different words?

    If I'm interested in a game, I buy it. If a game looks like trash, I stay away from it. If I can't see original footage along with a review, I don't give a rat's doo-doo butt about it. Look at the Tweets of the most popular streamers, like ok… FromSoftware makes great games, but there's absolutely no reason to be so overtly dramatic.

    Didn't Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain get 10 out of 10 from both critics and users? An unfinished game?! How?! People kept throwing endless showers of flowers to it even though 2/3 of the way the game decided to stop, repeat, and "end"?

    What I'm trying to say is that people should make an opinion for themselves, and stop relying so much on these reviewers with subjective preferences (and paid sponsorships, let's be real).

    If you like, you buy. If you don't, you don't.

  4. I'm playing the game and loving it, but your logic here is absolutely undeniable. I can't look at SkillUp, IGN or Polygon or, honestly, any outlet giving this game praise and say, "See, my opinion is validated," when these are the exact same outlets I constantly scoff at and belittle whenever a AAA Western release comes out. Solid point, man.

  5. I literally hate the souls games I tried darks souls and I tried blood born and hated them never could get into them ima still try this game and see if it changes my mind but I love games more like the last of us 1/2 yes ppl can hate all they want Idgaf that ppl hate on the last of us 2 it was a masterpiece yes I was mad about Joel but for fuck sake he had it coming sooner or later but will see I’m pick up rings Friday and hope it’s good if not it’s a quick sell for me and on to something else lol


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