You crafted the wrong Blood Feud

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43 thoughts on “You crafted the wrong Blood Feud”

  1. I did some testing with the origin perk on blood feud and I believe it adds 20 range, not 10 (w/o the artifiact mod, which I found increased it to 30), at least based off what values I got when using the d2gunsmith range calculator and mapping that to the range I measured where I would get w/ damage dropoff.

  2. Dumb question here, is there a fragment or aspect that gives you a one hit melee when you freeze a target, when I've been using shadebinder it takes me two hits so they unfreeze and end up shotgunning me half the time

  3. Something that you didn’t mention is that once “master worked” (reaching lv 20 with enhanced perks) the +2 stat bump will put the stability at base 20 – which means it doesn’t get hit by the sub 20 stability penalty.

  4. i like these titles/this series, i think the names are cheeky in a good way, and some people arent understanding its not meant to be more than a funny haha thing. more of those people are gonna comment about it than others who do appreciate it unfortunately. it would be different if you were overhyping it as busted instead of what you’re doing which is introducing potent and overlooked interactions.

  5. The one potential roll that has my interest is the Pugilist + Swash for a proximity knife build. Unfortunately still not really sold on this SMG as of yet, especially as your main gun. To me it's place seems to fit better if you're running double primary. At least that's my view from the cheap seats.

  6. Haven't watched the full vid yet but just wanted to chime in with my PvE version which is Pug and Headstone. It goes absolutely bonkers for Stasis Hunter with the right frags and mods on armor. I'd go into the whole build but I'm too lazy to type it all out LOL.

  7. So I've been excited to craft this smg for awhile. My favorite smg in the game is Unforgiven. Ppl think its bad and I strongly disagree. Yes its a 14 and no it doesn't have rangefinder but that smg dominates. As a pretty decent player that enjoys using smgs I like 15 and 14 zoom. 16 is totally fine but I like the cqc capabilities/ease of use that low zoom smgs have. I will say that with 600rpm smgs I do want the most zoom possible but not with the 750s and 900s. Since i like Unforgiven so god damn much and because I main striker titan currently and because this smg has swash and a very good origin trait that requires a melee to proc I believe that I could really end up loving this smg. I crafted it a couple days ago and have been using it in PvP at base to level it up and right now as expected its total dog shit but I still have faith that when I can craft my perfect roll it'll be great. With this being said I have 2 complaints about this gun and these are problems that Unforgiven doesn't have. 1st problem is that the optics aren't great. 2nd problem is that the recoil is honestly really bad. It has a horizontal back and forth recoil thats way worse that what Unforgiven has. I was gonna use Encore on this thing but im thinking I might opt for Sway just to combat this. I'll drop a comment on this post once its fully crafted to let everyone know how it turned out.

  8. as per usual, gleaux is spitting facts. blood feud is heavy underrated already imo.

    as someone who ain’t on ophidians too much anymore, i went for ele cap in the last column and extended barrel for the 100 recoil since i could take the handling loss.

    my roll has just 11 stability, however, when you get dyno away enhanced active you can’t even tell (on mouse at least).

    definitely a sleeper smg and great for pairing with arc warlock teleport melee (sue me lmao)

  9. I’ve been rocking that warlock chest piece since it was made available. I pair it with the valkyarian hood, festival of the lost vampire gloves, and transversive steps with the mindstriders ornament.

  10. I’d argue this smg could perform better on a stasis hunter due to the slower fire rate, and I’m a warlock main. Having something with a higher rate of fire or longer range would benefit the shadebinder greatly. 750s can be unforgiving compared to its 900rpm and 600rpm competitors. Hunters can dodge into cover, making up for potentially missed shots while also getting an additional shuriken charge if used within close range, making the reproc of the intrinsic and well-rounded much easier.

  11. While you mentioned Shadebinder with No Reprieve and Blood Feud, I think Behemoth Titan is worth bringing up. Fun fact about stasis crystals: the game actually tracks the source of the stasis crystal when it determines what kind of damage it deals when you shatter it. This means dealing shatter damage with the crystals from the wave melee counts as melee damage, in fact, each crystal counts as a separate instance of melee damage. Right Hook apparently has no cooldown between when it will accept melee hits, so cryoclasm sliding or using your barricade on the melee wave when someone is close to it will max out your timer to 20 seconds instantly. Behemoth has builds with like HOIL that can infinitely cycle their abilities, so you can theoretically have 100% uptime on the Right Hook origin trait and the Well Rounded perk. Pretty cool.

    Finally, and the following is definitely for 6's, and in SBMM playlists I don't really recommend it, but with Encore, precision kills can give you a stack of Encore: Range which give you +10 range for every stack, so with Right Hook, Well Rounded and Encore, you can get up to +60 range. You can have 100 Range on an Aggressive frame submachine gun. Also pretty cool.

    This is a bit of a tangent, I also discovered you can max out Feedback Fence perk by shattering the wave melee near someone, which is pretty funny.


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