You Can Make it on Broken Pieces

There are moments in your life beloved that it seems like you have no peace in your life and it appears that you are falling to pieces. Have you felt that way at any point? What was it that kept you together when you felt like coming loose at the seams? Who was it that encouraged you to keep going? What motivated you to not quit when all you did was feeling like quitting?

The answer sometimes surprises us in moments of high anxiety. The answer would seem to be obvious, but at the moment you’re going through, it just appears impossible to grasp.

Let us explore the concept of “Making it on Broken Pieces” this evening. I pray God allows something to be said that will encourage you to not allow that feeling to creep back into your heart again. Join us tonight as Bishop have an office visit chat and discuss the topic.

See you soon….like, tag, share, and invite others to the discourse.


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