You Are a Troublemaker: A Response to Walter Veith-Pastor Bill Hughes

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34 thoughts on “You Are a Troublemaker: A Response to Walter Veith-Pastor Bill Hughes”

  1. I Agree with most of your presentation and here I come up a little short so I'm about 98% with this. You did not mention David Gates and the battle he had with Ted Wilson trying to take his ministry away. I know back in 2019 he and some others were for casting the Sunday law. There are many ministries who did not sign up with the GC. Why is Ted Wilson serving so long as president? Neal wilson under oath through the Great Controversy in the trash. Yes i think Walter Veith has gone a little soft but his ministry has reached a lot of people. I came into the church when Desmond Ford was teaching his Jesuit theology.I went to hear Ford speak at South High School in Denver where I went to school. I didn't understand any thing he said and his book was gibberish. I guess AD 70 is about to happen again. Where is the unity, of one accord and on the same page as Pentecost? Keep sharing with us Pastor Bill. As Ellen White said some one left the door open.

  2. I am so disappointed in your interpretation of what Walter Veith believes and says, 😢 I certainly know better, I am so sorry you said these things. I have always before believed your had a true understanding

  3. He affirmed the excellence of Walter Veith’s impactful series on Total Onslaught which has been instrumental in assisting many, including Kody his help mate. Walter is out there helping people and changing lives but this pastor is preaching with a spirit of bitterness and strife. I listened to walter and never heard him say about we will always be lukewarm. He also said regarding 2027 that based on spirit of prophecy which he came with facts and did some calculations and mentioned what his calculations bought him to. He said he isn’t time setting and mentioned the Bible.

    Bill is free to quote Albert Pike’s timed events who is a Freemason but Walter can’t preach what prophesy states and calculate? The hypocrisy. This isn’t what ministry is about. Sorry Bill but after trying to expose Doug now Walter, I am staring to think that you are the trouble maker.

  4. I am also a Troublemaker aginst liars why is it that pasters say I don’t know when ask A very serious an important question about why is there a abeles on Ellen G white and her husband’s grave when it’s clearly that is a symbol of a penis that comes out of the story from Egypt it’s a colt it’s a baal why is this Question dynamite why would someone that’s experience and researching so much history say I don’t know why and leave it at that I don’t think that’s what the Bible is about can someone please give me a comment on why no one wants to talk about this topic

  5. And can somebody please explain to me why a pastor or a church or a human being that calls Watervale a lion snake like me that’s what I called him now that I found out the truth why can’t they call him a snake why can’t you do an admit what Jesus says the father of all lies is a snake and anybody who does what Satan does and what the devil does that lies is a snake why is that a problem I just think it’s spiritual weakness can somebody please make a comment on this have the guts the fortitude the spine to comment on the comment I’m making God bless all that he can bless amen

  6. And just one more thing folks if I ask a pastor am I gonna go to hell for cursing or forgiving the finger like my logo says and the pastor says it’s between me and God well why don’t you just stop preaching and leave everything between man and God and woman and God does that make sense somebody comment on this because I love to talk About this

  7. For a man or a woman or a pastor to say I don’t know about anything that contradicts the Bible in any way is wrong and simple in many ways let’s see who’s got got to step up to the plate and made comments about what I just said I’d like to learn correct me educate me people pastors

  8. This has already happened. The pillars God gave us the first fifty years are
    recorded in the principles of our faith in 1892. Just compare the first two beliefs
    to what the SDA church believes today about who God is.

  9. Hard to watch when they are so long and you let so many folks interrupt. Preach, make your point and get on with it. This is like the black fella and his wife who take two hours to deliver a twenty minute sermon.

  10. The church has never been perfect, hardly, not close, it couldn't have been, at any time more corrupt than when Jesus inserted Himself into mankind's history. You should be aware that the shaking sheds apostates, so I am very leery of liberal apostate (Sadducee) or conservative (Pharisee) because they all end up leaving the church. Sure some will stay and perhaps aid in the shaking, but I am concerned that you might be a Vance F. type (Pilgrims Rest) spending all of your time focused on apostasy and little to know time healing schisms. Remember Luther never left the church, he spent a lifetime reforming it.

  11. I have had much contact with self supporting missions, though they are well intentioned and loyal, the apostasy of which you and they speak of trickles into every recess of the truth, whether in the organized SDA church or in the 'reformed' movements. You will find all manner of filthiness in each, so pray for both.

  12. "….to stand together as we brace ourselves for the shaking " .interesting words! We know that this time, as never before in the history of God's people, the separation of wheat from chaff is done by what is called "shaking out". In this context, individual atoms would need strength and confidence to press on together as in one body – the body of Christ – united in Spirit and in Truth. Lets not be so eager in negatively scrutinizing each and every call for unity. God loves you Bill and He understands your past wounds. I sense that the call from Walter (if true) is about the various independent ministries to spend less time in condemning others and focusing more in revealing to the world the Great Pattern, the righteousness of Christ and His matchless charm. Think about, perhapts not everything is about money or about a logo or "brethren"…

    Blessings to you as you've been a great blessing for us throughout the years. 🙏

  13. "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins." Isaiah 58:1.

    Thank you Pastor Hughes and Kody. Thank you for blowing the trumpet. And thank you for sending me The Great Controversy. Thank you for your independent ministry. I'm glad TRUTH Triumphant exists.

  14. "Satan will work his miracles to deceive; he will set up his power as supreme. The church may appear as about to fall, but it does not fall. It remains, while the sinners in Zion will be sifted out–the chaff separated from the precious wheat. This is a terrible ordeal, but nevertheless it must take place. None but those who have been overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony will be found with the loyal and true, without spot or stain of sin, without guile in their mouths. . . . The remnant that purify their souls by obeying the truth gather strength from the trying process, exhibiting the beauty of holiness amid the surrounding apostasy"(Letter 55, 1886). 7BC 911

  15. "Love of self, pride and self-sufficiency lie at the foundation of the greatest trials and discords that have ever existed in the religious world. Again and again the angel has said to me, “Press together, press together, be of one mind, of one judgment.” Christ is the Leader, and you are brethren; follow Him. Walk in the light as He is in the light."

    Christian Leadership page 11, paragraph 4.

  16. Sad to see that Waltah Veith has "folded"/ceded to the "fold'' in Silver Springs. But can`t figure out under which one of the 3 incentives, described in E.G.W. GC as being used by GC/Beast, to coerce great 3 angels shout speakers, into submission and silence. Was it 'flattery', 'threat' or 'bribe'?. Use to watch Waltah`s videos for years, when they were true '3 angel shouting'. When Waltah was bold enough to point finger at ''Beast'' i.e. Vatican, at Pope as being "man of sin'' "son of perdition" and 'anti-christ'. Today Waltah is too timid to preach these subjects. Instead he & his sidekick Martin, preach about 'harvest being big, but not enough laborers' or about 'health being right arm of Adventism' or other – not in themself bad messages but – not most important for our salvation in our time, messages. So I stopped watching WAltah. "Waltah has joined to the idols" of Sanhedrin in Silver Springs, leave him alone'.

  17. Do you worship god the father,god the son and god the holy spirit?if you do where do you find those gods in the Bible.Do you believed the trinity doctrines, then you're a catholic and the pope and satan his your Brother. Salvation Salvation is knowing the only the One(1)True and Living God (the Father) and His only Begotten Son (Michael) Jesus Christ the Son of God and don't include Ellen White in your devil worship (trinity satanic, babylon the beast catholic the god of SDA CHURCH AND the POPE

  18. Let me also say this. I love Pastor Bill and his ministry, the behind the door series was crazy( great).

    The SDA church is not perfect, and we know that according to revelation 12:17, the dragon will make war with the Remnant. It's happening in our leadership, and Jesus is allowing it. Soon, he will put a stop to it. Yes we should stand against the apostasy. But to walk away from the church is crazy.. the Bibles says their will be a shaking out, not a walking out…

    Let me say this also.. i am happy that at the passing of the Sunday law, there will be no conference SDA church and independent Adventslist. IT WILL BE ONE CHURCH THOSE THAT ACCEPT SUNDAY AND THOSE THAT DONT.

    so let's not get all work up about independ and Conference Church. It will be over soon.. let us focus on having a perfect relationship with Jesus.

    Friends if we hate Ted Wilson and the others we will not be saved and if they don't change and you continue to hate them, both will be going to hell holding hands..


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